[過去ログ] 英語で嫌韓 −Do you like Korea?− (473レス)
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446(1): 2006/10/17(火) 22:56:17 AAS
I don't agree with you because it isn't only their problem.
Japan and Korea have been a conflict since ever World War U ended but both of the countries
are in same group as Asia, so the nations in Japan shouldn’t ignore.
As you mentioned, it may be impossible to make a friendship between them
because one of the nationalisms
in Korea is being against Japan. Even though president in Korea
said something like bad thing and some of the nation’s attitude toward Japan are a kind of disadvantage for us, we’ve already made a friendship. In fact, the people
who don’t extremely like Japan are one-sided on a way of thinking.
447: 2006/10/18(水) 07:40:23 AAS
I am not going to ignore them, because they are enemy.
We have to usually keep watching them, like a they are doing it.
It's like a 38degree border line in Korean peninsula.
And i don't care what their president said, it's their business not us.
I think our meaning of friendship are different of each other.
And our society is already polluting with their friends and their nasty idea.
It's able to see everywhere for example in a politics and economy and media etc.
Please watch NHK broadcasting, it's a parade of anti-Japan and hail-Korea.
They are broadcasting a Korean dramas but Shizuka Arakawa's winning run wasn't broadcast.
I don't believe this.
And many Japanese congress-persons and their secretaries are a unification church's spy.
They are Korea-centrism cult of anti Japan.
I'm not sure, but actually it's rumored.
Of course this is our problems not their problems, but that why it's big problems.
So we have to recognise that they are enemy.
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