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478: 面白い話見つけた 03/11/28 22:49 AAS
Welcome..... The Governor Erect
Oh Arnold…the new California governor erect, I mean elect.
This is a piece of the Press Conference that was beeped out, of course.
Lulu-"Governor Erect, now that you have office what are your plans?"
Arnold- “Yes Lulu… I will begin with an audit of all natural breasts
and to see where waste could be “Terminated”.”
Leon Panetta, former President Clinton’s chief of staff-
“ It’s time now it seems to me to have a governor, who can focus on the issues.”
Lulu- “Yes Leon but…Lets get to the real questions,
shall we…How large is your penis feeling now governor erect? Are you feeling like the “Last Action Hero”?
Arnold- “My penis feels “pumped up” and I thank it for all the hard work its done.
And I also want to thank all the volunteers, all of you for the great work. ***wink, wink***”
Lulu- “Well congratulations Arnold, I think you’re exactly what the state of California needed.”
Arnold- “Thank you Lulu and thanks to the state of California, I know that as a "gang"
...um together *wink* we can make this again the greatest state of the greatest country in the world.”
Thank You Governor,
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