[過去ログ] 【+板】編集長Drunkerさんと社説+で話そう★15 [転載禁止]©2ch.net (1001レス)
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845: 2014/11/13(木) 01:08:05.84 ID:ZqoNbPsL0(1/13)調 AAS
Actually, importance of a news are not proportional to the number of responses.
One should not measure the former with the latter.
847: 2014/11/13(木) 01:15:58.90 ID:ZqoNbPsL0(2/13)調 AAS
I personally like the cynicism of current Nanasi-san.
It throws a bucket of cold water on those mad guests and copy&paste guys.
854: 2014/11/13(木) 01:32:04.48 ID:ZqoNbPsL0(3/13)調 AAS
Talking of Nanasi-san, that of wildplus needs to be changed.
"名前をあたえないでください" is a relic of "二軍" ages.

Till the new name will get decided,
we might as well change it back to the default "名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。"
856: 2014/11/13(木) 01:33:47.19 ID:ZqoNbPsL0(4/13)調 AAS
BTW, this editorialplus board also needs new Nanasi-san.
How about "名無しさん@お星いっぱい。" ?

"お星いっぱい" because this board is filled with "★" CAPS and it's...
> 社説+(All Star!!)@2ch掲示板
(5): 2014/11/13(木) 16:37:44.21 ID:ZqoNbPsL0(5/13)調 AAS
I'd like to propose the specification of >>805 as follows,
so that it will work better and yield more constructive results:

(1) movements of national party (with diet seat) or its member published by themselves via organ paper, websites or SNS => seijinewsplus or snsplus
(2) movements of national party or its member published by major papers => seijinewsplus or newsplus
(3) movements of parties without diet seat, its member or mere individuals => seijinewsplus or snsplus

(4) rumours and observations of parties and politicians by tabloids, gossip magazines, net-news etc. => seijinewsplus
(5) observations and researches of the election by major papers => seijinewsplus or newsplus

(2): 2014/11/13(木) 16:45:27.46 ID:ZqoNbPsL0(6/13)調 AAS
It goes without saying that
too trivial political topics are best to be posted in seijinewsplus
even when they meet >>934-(2)(5) criteria, considering the spirit of >>805.
(But that's recommendation and the reporters won't be punished unless they get too abusive.)

The spirit of drunker-san always has been gin, whisky and vodka.
938: 2014/11/13(木) 16:50:31.63 ID:ZqoNbPsL0(7/13)調 AAS
>>934 and >>937 is my proposal and I'd rather see:
> 記者一人一人が自分の中の基準を打ち立てる
and they arrive at a reasonable conclusion.

Good luck!
(1): 2014/11/13(木) 16:57:10.93 ID:ZqoNbPsL0(8/13)調 AAS
> あと、一般紙を使ったソースだろうがスレタイが偏れば普通に法的にアウトになる可能性は普通にありえるので
> 「一般紙を使えばセーフ」という話ではない。
I think what is illegal in newsplus is illegal in seijinewsplus,
so that argument is nothing to do with the current issue.

BTW I like Arendt too, but I think you'd better read (and practice) some Levinas too.
945: 2014/11/13(木) 17:03:20.55 ID:ZqoNbPsL0(9/13)調 AAS
hm I said "I'd like to propose" first.
I'd love to hear pros and cons to it and that one discusses further and deeper.

Please allow me not to answer to the postings that are not concrete discussions.
(1): 2014/11/13(木) 17:12:19.99 ID:ZqoNbPsL0(10/13)調 AAS
So we agree that new regulation about policital issues in newsplus and seijinewsplus is one thing
and the reporters' self-protection is another.

As a regulation, I'm proposing >>934;
as self-protection, I'm recommending >>937 and I don't oppose to the latter of >>936.

As for the first half of >>936 I borrowed the discussions of
as a reference, but they are basically two different issues.
This time, it concerns political matters only.

We also need to reconfirm whether it (esp. >>805) is perpetual
or limited to the period of the national election.
(1): 2014/11/13(木) 17:32:49.65 ID:ZqoNbPsL0(11/13)調 AAS
The statement of >>805 has a weak point that
it can let go free the third-party gossips and negative-campaigns.

>>934-(4) is trying to fix this hole.
(1): 2014/11/13(木) 17:47:03.68 ID:ZqoNbPsL0(12/13)調 AAS
That's why I borrowed the discussions (scale) of 2chスレ:editorialplus
and draw the line in tabloids, gossip magazines and net-news.

In brief, I'm proposing that
will be all NG for political issues in newsplus (at least while the election.)

Maybe it's OK with the Jiji's one you cited. That of Gendai is to be posted in seijinewsplus.
(1): 2014/11/13(木) 17:57:52.68 ID:ZqoNbPsL0(13/13)調 AAS
The purpose of it is already explained in >>962;
and we need to clarify and develop the details of >>805 first so that this can work as a valid rule.

If we ban all the major paper's reports about parties
and let the gossips free in newsplus OTOH (just like Hi everyone!-san is trying to do),
that won't make sense and I believe that's not the intention of the chief.
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