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121(1): 2014/11/07(金) 11:05:17.62 ID:se4ZX+lR0(16/28)調 AAS
1. when 2014/11/07(金) 10:55:18
2. who ラリホー ★
3. title 【世論】冨田選手がかわいそう!ネットでは冤罪ではないかという声が多数
4. url 2chスレ:newsplus
5. rule that he/she violated B) someone is talking about A <- this is not a news
5. rule that he/she violated 韓国・北朝鮮関連は東アジアニュース速報+板へ。 / 2. please use mnewsplus for sports, gossip,
6. tell me your purpose To prevent demagogues and flamings using materials not appropriate for news board.
mere compilation of "web reactions", not a news.
The source is "秒刊SUNDAY."
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