[過去ログ] 名古屋大学スレッド71 (810レス)
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652: 2007/03/28(水) 06:47:56 ID:G1xTCMvN0(1)調 AAS
Dear Editors: What a thought-provoking article you wrote for the Japanese! You are right! Japan has
still been troubled with what it did in part of Asia in the first half of the twentieth century. Now
withough looking back at its war-time past, some political leaders have put much more emphasis on ultra-nationalism,
overcoming post-Asia-Pacific War democracy imbedded by the United States. It seems to me that Japan will become a lone
sheep in the international community of humanism. Now is the time Japan should pay more attention to its neighborhood for
its security and peace, maintaining the Article Nine Constitution and without depending upon too much Pentagonization.
Yoshimitsu Miyakawa, Nanzan University, Nagoya, Japan

By miyakawa0413 | Mar 26, 2007 1:30:09 PM | Request Removal
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