[過去ログ] ▼ジークンドー▼截拳道▼ Part15 (1002レス)
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157: (スッップ Sda2-y0bw []) 2022/05/21(土) 14:26:00.21 ID:OB479VEzd(1/8)調 AAS
A.ブルース・リーが1960年代に書いた” Liberate Yourself From Classical Karate”「古典空手からの解放」から抜粋して、ブルース・リー自身にこの問いに答えてもらおう。(知恵袋的な回答者)
What, then, is Jeet Kune Do? Literally, "jeet" means to intercept or to stop; "kune" is the fist; and "do" is the way, the ultimate reality---the way of the intercepting fist. Do remember, however, that "Jeet Kune Do" is merely a convenient name. I am not interested with the term itself; I am interested in its effect of liberation when JKD is used as a mirror for self-examination.
では、ジークンドーとは何なのか?文字通り、"Jeet "は阻止する、止めるという意味で、"Kune"は拳、"Do"は道、究極の現実、阻止する拳の道という意味です。しかし、「ジークンドー」は便利な名前に過ぎないことを忘れないでください。私はこの言葉自体に興味があるのではなく、JKDが自己検証のための鏡として使われたときに、その解放の効果に興味があるのです。
158: (スッップ Sda2-y0bw []) 2022/05/21(土) 14:26:40.98 ID:OB479VEzd(2/8)調 AAS
Unlike a "classical" martial art, there is no series of rules or classification of technique that constitutes a distinct "Jeet Kune Do" method of fighting. JKD is not a form of special conditioning with its own rigid philosophy. It looks at combat not from a single angle, but from all possible angles. While JKD utilizes all the ways and means to serve its end (after all, efficiency is anything that scores), it is bound by none and is therefore free. In other words, JKD possesses everything, but is in itself possessed by nothing.
159: (スッップ Sda2-y0bw []) 2022/05/21(土) 14:27:25.52 ID:OB479VEzd(3/8)調 AAS
Therefore, to try and define JKD in terms of a distinct style---be it gung-fu, karate, street fighting, Bruce Lee's martial art, etc.---is to completely miss its meaning. It's teaching simply cannot be confined with a system. Since JKD is at once "this" and "not this", it neither opposes nor adheres to any style. To understand this fully, one must transcend from the duality of "for" and "against" into one organic unity which is without distinctions. Understanding of JKD is direct intuition of this unity.
(1): (スッップ Sda2-y0bw []) 2022/05/21(土) 14:28:03.42 ID:OB479VEzd(4/8)調 AAS
There are no prearranged sets or "kata" in the teaching of JKD, nor are they necessary. Consider the subtle difference between "having no form" and having "no form"; the first is ignorance, the second is transcendence. Through instinctive body feeling, each of us 'knows' our own most efficient and dynamic manner of achieving effective leverage, balance in motion, economical use of energy, etc. Patterns, techniques or forms touch only the fringe of genuine understanding.
161: (スッップ Sda2-y0bw []) 2022/05/21(土) 14:28:42.58 ID:OB479VEzd(5/8)調 AAS
The core of understanding lies in the individual mind, and until that is touched, everything is uncertain and superficial. Truth cannot be perceived until we come to fully understand ourselves and our potentials. After all, 'knowledge in the martial arts ultimately means self-knowledge.'
162: (スッップ Sda2-y0bw []) 2022/05/21(土) 14:29:32.91 ID:OB479VEzd(6/8)調 AAS
I have not invented a "new style," composite, modified or otherwise that is set within distinct form as apart from "this" method or "that" method.
On the contrary, I hope to free my followers from clinging to styles, patterns, or molds. Remember that Jeet Kune Do is merely a name used, a mirror in which to see "ourselves". . . Jeet Kune Do is not an organized institution that one can be a member of. Either you understand or you don't, and that is that.
逆に、スタイルやパターン、型にしがみつくことから、私の信奉者を解放したいと願っています。ジークンドーは単に使用される名前であり、「自分自身」を見るための鏡であることを忘れないでください。. .ジークンドーは、1つのメンバーになることができる組織的な機関ではありません。あなたが理解するか、しないか、それだけです。
(1): (スッップ Sda2-y0bw []) 2022/05/21(土) 14:30:05.15 ID:OB479VEzd(7/8)調 AAS
There is no mystery about my style. My movements are simple, direct and non-classical. The extraordinary part of it lies in its simplicity. Every movement in Jeet Kune-Do is being so of itself. There is nothing artificial about it. I always believe that the easy way is the right way.
Jeet Kune-Do is simply the direct expression of one's feelings with the minimum of movements and energy. The closer to the true way of Kung Fu, the less wastage of expression there is.
(2): (スッップ Sda2-y0bw []) 2022/05/21(土) 14:31:05.03 ID:OB479VEzd(8/8)調 AAS
Finally, a Jeet Kune Do man who says Jeet Kune Do is exclusively Jeet Kune Do is simply not with it. He is still hung up on his self-closing resistance, in this case anchored down to reactionary pattern, and naturally is still bound by another modified pattern and can move within its limits. He has not digested the simple fact that truth exists outside all molds; pattern and awareness is never exclusive.
>そして最後に言っておきたいことですが、 ※ジークンドーの流派を名乗る人間がいたら、その人物はジークンドと共に生きてはいないことを知ってほしい。  
再度言います。 ジークンドーとはただの「名前」、河を渡るためのボートのようなもの。川を渡り切ったら捨て去られるべきものであり、渡り切った後も背中に担いでいくものではありません。

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