[過去ログ] ■■■コロナウイルス 育児板総合■■■Part.87 (1002レス)
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187: 2022/05/07(土) 13:54:20.70 ID:LftUKSVs(1/2)調 AAS
mRNA Vaccines Lead to Spike Protein Entering Nucleus, Rise in Vascular Events, 40 Percent Increase in ‘All Cause Deaths’: Dr. Urso

Twitterリンク:5chan_nel (5ch newer account)
188: 2022/05/07(土) 13:56:47.79 ID:LftUKSVs(2/2)調 AAS
Pfizer sent this graph to the FDA in December 2020.

They said it was from their trial data & it showed near complete protection from contracting SARS-COV-2 for up to 120 days with only 1 mRNA shot.

Reality & 18 months of data since then shows this to be a complete fabrication.

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