[過去ログ] わくまゆこと和久田麻由子アナウンサー vol.45 (1002レス)
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277: (ワッチョイ df94-jCXV) 2020/12/11(金) 07:30:24 ID:HxXOtDLE0(1)調 AAS
Mr. President, I was half asleep so couldn't write the completed English text.
I'm sorry it was hard to read. I re-post the completed text.
Mr. President, this is a great achievement.
Since I personally know Morocco, I imagine that if Israel's advanced agricultural technology is provided, it may become a richer country.
Just as Mr. Joe Biden appreciates the restoration of diplomatic relations between Israel and the UAE,
some of the feats left by Mr. President should remain forever as the great history of the United States.
I'm not sure about the delicate circumstances of American politics,
but that Mr. President's stance of emphasizing the national interests of the United States had been strongly appealed to the United States, prolonging the life span of world hegemony and prosperity of the United States and connecting it to the next generation, I strongly believe.
Regardless of the election results, if I have a chance from now on in America, I would be happy if I could make a private friendship with Mr. President, one of my lifesavers.
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