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(1): 2016/08/05(金) 10:53:40.17 AAS

Being overweight 'ages people's brains'

4 August 2016


The brains of overweight people look "10 years older" than those of leaner peers, a study has found.

Brains naturally lose white matter - the part of the brain that transmits information - as people age.

But a Cambridge University team found that loss was exacerbated with extra weight - so an
overweight 50-year-old had a lean 60-year-old's brain.

Researchers said it shows we need to know relatively more about how extra weight affects the brain.

The team, from the Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience, looked at the brains of 473 people
aged between 20 and 87, dividing them into lean and overweight categories.

Their findings, published in the journal Neurobiology of Aging, found significant differences in the
volume of white matter in the brains of overweight people compared with leaner individuals.

Those in the overweight group had much less white matter than their thinner counterparts.
104: 2016/08/05(金) 10:55:10.13 AAS
Middle-aged 'vulnerable'

The difference was only evident from middle-age onwards, suggesting that
our brains may be particularly vulnerable during this period of ageing.

However there was no difference in how the groups fared in tests of
knowledge and understanding, so the researchers say more work is needed
to follow people and see who develops conditions such as dementia.

Dr Lisa Ronan, from the Department of Psychiatry at the University of
Cambridge, who led the study, said it was not clear if obesity affected the brain, or vice versa.

She told the BBC: "Obesity is so complex. We know an awful lot about what it does to the body.

"But what it does to the brain and how it interacts with obesity - we're
at the beginning of understanding that."

Prof Sadal Farooqi, from the Wellcome Trust Medical Research Council
Institute of Metabolic Science at Cambridge University, who also worked on the study,
said the work suggested the middle-aged brain could be particularly vulnerable.

"It will also be important to find out whether these changes could be
reversible with weight loss, which may well be the case.

"This must be a starting point for us to explore in more depth the effects
of weight, diet and exercise on the brain and memory."
105: 2016/08/05(金) 10:59:38.36 AAS

World | Thu Aug 4, 2016 3:35pm EDT
Related: U.S., World
U.S. woman killed in London was wife of Florida State professor

An American woman killed in a knife attack in London on Wednesday night
was the wife of an eminent psychology professor at Florida State University (FSU),
the university said in a statement on Thursday.

Richard Wagner, the Robert O. Lawton Distinguished Professor of Psychology,
and his wife were in London where he taught in the summer session at FSU's
London Study Program, it said. Police in London have said she was in her 60s.

FSU did not name Wagner's wife, but Florida Governor Rick Scott identified
her in a tweet as Darlene Horton and said that he and his wife were praying
for her family and loved ones.

Horton died at the scene and five people were injured when a 19-year-old man
with suspected mental health problems went on a rampage with a knife
in central London's Russell Square. Police have said there was no evidence
the attack was terrorism related.

"There are no words to express our heartache over this terrible tragedy,
" FSU President John Thrasher said in the statement.

FSU said its students had already left the program for the summer and that
none were involved in the incident. James Pitts, director of FSU
International Programs, said in the statement the couple had planned to return
to Tallahassee on Thursday.
106: 2016/08/05(金) 11:06:48.06 AAS
Friday's Guardian: Rates cut to an historic low on recession fear #tomorrowspaperstoday #BBCPapers


107: 2016/08/05(金) 11:14:04.86 AAS

World | Thu Aug 4, 2016 4:14pm EDT
Related: World
U.S. woman killed in London knife attack, no evidence of terrorism link


A U.S. woman was killed and five other people injured by a man with
suspected mental health issues who went on a rampage with a knife in central London.

Armed police were called late on Wednesday evening after a 19-year-old
Norwegian man of Somali origin began attacking people in London's Russell Square,
a park near the site of a 2005 suicide bombing. Police said there was no evidence
the attack was terrorism related.

The victim was identified as Darlene Horton, a woman in her 60s who was the wife
of a U.S. psychology professor. She was treated at the scene but pronounced
dead a short time later.

A British man who was stabbed in the stomach remains in hospital in serious
but stable condition, police said. Four others - an American man, a man and
a woman from Australia, and an Israeli woman - suffered stab wounds but
have been released from hospital.
108: 2016/08/05(金) 11:18:44.41 AAS

Homepage | Thu Aug 4, 2016 4:33pm EDT
Rio's slum 'pacification' effort stalls as killings tick up


Atop the chipped blue metal table sat two 9 mm pistols and small plastic
packets of cocaine and marijuana. Two young men slouched in white plastic chairs,
while a third held a rifle in a corner 10 meters away.

It was midday this week, not far from a main road in Rocinha, Rio de Janeiro's
most developed and supposedly "pacified" slum that straddles a mountain and sits
right between the main Barra and Copacabana Olympic zones.

A uniformed police officer stood just 150 meters away, up a sinuous, narrow asphalted lane.

How long had the gang members returned to openly carrying weapons in Rocinha,
where 3,000 police and armored personnel carriers in late 2011 invaded to drive out traffickers?
109: 2016/08/05(金) 18:22:28.81 AAS
BBC Weather 認証済みアカウント @bbcweather

Plenty of sunshine this weekend for most of the UK, but it will get blustery again on Sunday. Alex D


110: 2016/08/05(金) 18:25:57.16 AAS

Herbs and Curses: Doping at the ancient Olympics

The fate of Russian athletes, after accusations of widespread doping,
has grabbed the headlines in the run up to the 2016 Olympics.
But how long has this been an issue for? Historian David Clay Large
explains that doping may go back further than we expect,
even if the methods were slightly less sophisticated.

(Photo: 'Crowning the Victors at Olympia' after an ancient Greek Olympiad,
circa 600 BC. Credit: Hulton Archive/Getty)
Release date:
5 August 2016
111: 2016/08/18(木) 06:50:32.28 AAS

Olympic official Patrick Hickey steps down amid tickets row

Patrick Hickey, head of the Olympic Council of Ireland,
has temporarily stood down from all his roles after his
arrest over allegations of illegal ticket sales.

Mr Hickey, 71, was taken to hospital following his arrest
at a Rio hotel after requesting medical attention.

Brazilian police claim he was involved in a scheme to resell
Olympic tickets at higher than their face value.

They said the scheme could have had profits of 10m reals (£2.4m; $3.1m).

Mr Hickey will be replaced as president of the European Olympic
Committees by his deputy Janez Kocijancic.

The Olympic Council of Ireland (OCI) said in a statement that
Mr Hickey was stepping aside "until this matter is fully resolved"
and would continue to co-operate and assist with all ongoing enquiries.

Brazilian police said that when officers went to Mr Hickey's
hotel room on Wednesday morning, they found his wife there with his Olympic credentials.

Mrs Hickey told them her husband had left Rio de Janeiro for
Ireland at the weekend, they said.

"We noticed that there was another room in the hotel under
his son's name, so we went to that room and we found Hickey
by himself," Detective Ronaldo Oliveira told a press conference.

"There wasn't much in that room, not even any of his clothes. He was in his bathrobe."
112: 2016/08/18(木) 06:55:47.60 AAS
Press Association@PA

World's largest aircraft Airlander 10 delights
crowds on maiden voyage by @jemmacrew


113: 2016/08/18(木) 06:58:59.84 AAS

National News
World's largest aircraft Airlander 10 delights crowds on maiden voyage


The 302ft-long (92-metre) Airlander 10 - part plane, part helicopter,
part airship - loomed overhead at Cardington airfield in Bedfordshire
as the sun started to set on Wednesday evening.

Photographers and plane spotters baked in the sun as they waited to
see the aircraft, whose bulbous exterior has earned it the
less-than-glamorous nickname "the flying bum", take off.

Crowds clapped and cheered as the craft soared above them during
its first outing from the First World War hangar where it was
revealed in March after undergoing "hundreds" of changes by
Hybrid Air Vehicles (HAV) over two years.
114: 2016/08/19(金) 22:40:39.55 AAS

Night Tube finally arrives in London


The first Night Tubes will roll on to London Underground platforms
past midnight on Friday - almost three years since the plan was first announced.

Trains will run on the Victoria and Central lines on Fridays and Saturdays.

The plan was announced in November 2013 and intended to begin in
September 2015, but strikes over pay delayed the start by nearly another year.

Transport for London said there was a "huge demand" as passenger
numbers on weekends had soared by 70% since 2000.

Night Tube services are expected to add £6.4bn to the London economy
by 2030, creating 500,000 jobs, TfL said.

Trains will run every 10 minutes on the full Victoria line and on
the Central line between White City and Leytonstone. They will run
approximately every 20 minutes between Ealing Broadway and White City
and between Leytonstone and Loughton/Hainault.
115: 2016/09/15(木) 06:52:13.31 AAS
Behind the scenes at Washington’s National Museum of African American
History and Culture, opening Sept. 24

116: 2016/09/16(金) 09:03:43.01 AAS




(1): 2016/09/17(土) 06:50:41.74 AAS
Wall Street Journal

Israeli security forces kill three assailants following separate attack


Mail Online
Three assailants are killed in three separate attacks on Israelis ?
including a stabbing and a car-ramming ? shattering weeks of relative calm


(1): 2016/09/17(土) 06:52:47.78 AAS

Three men were killed while carrying out separate attacks on
Israelis today, shattering weeks of calm in Israel and the
occupied West Bank.

The attacks came only hours after UN chief Ban Ki-moon said
a two-state solution to the region's problems was 'further than ever'
from becoming reality.

The day of violence began when a man with a Jordanian passport,
Saeed Amro, 28, tried to stab police officers near the Damascus Gate
in Jerusalem's Old City and was gunned down by a policewoman.
(1): 2016/09/17(土) 06:54:49.54 AAS
Two Palestinians then rammed a car into a bus stop near the Kiryat Arba
settlement in the West Bank, wounding three Israeli civilians.

Israeli troops fired a burst of gunfire into the car, killing one of
the assailants, Firas Khadour, and wounding the other, a woman believed
to be his wife, Raghad.

In the third attack, a Palestinian was killed after stabbing an Israeli
soldier in Hebron, a Palestinian city which continues a heavy and
controversial Israeli security presence.


120: 2016/09/17(土) 06:56:41.57 AAS
he Israeli Defence Force said: 'An assailant arrived at a junction
near Hebron armed with a knife and stabbed a soldier'.

Today's incidents came shortly after midday Muslim prayers on the
first Friday after the weeklong Eid al-Adha holiday and shattered
a relative lull in violence - with no attacks in three weeks

Since October 227 Palestinians, 34 Israelis, two Americans,
one Eritrean and a Sudanese man have been killed Israel and
the Palestinian territories.
121: 2016/09/17(土) 06:59:10.80 AAS
Bratislava EU talks bring Merkel-Hollande pact for renewal


The leaders of France and Germany say the EU has agreed on priorities
for reinvigorating the bloc despite the "critical situation"
created by the UK Brexit vote.

They showed symbolic unity by holding a joint press conference after
the summit talks in the Slovak capital Bratislava.

It was the EU's first major meeting as 27 - without the UK present.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande
said the migrant crisis was a key issue.

"We didn't dodge anything," Mr Hollande said. "We decided that together
we have to deal with the migration issue, while respecting the right
to asylum."
122: 2016/09/19(月) 10:37:55.54 AAS
British Poles ?@britishpoles

Non-British RAF aircrew who served and died in #BoB. Look
how Britain owes its immigrants a debt of gratitude!


123: 2016/09/19(月) 16:39:05.16 AAS








124: 2016/09/20(火) 09:08:41.04 AAS
Reuters Politics ?@ReutersPolitics

It's 50 days until the election. But how would it go if it were being held today? 外部リンク:reut.rs


125: 2016/09/21(水) 06:26:48.63 AAS

Invasive Asian Hornet spotted in Britain for first time, experts confirm


126: 2016/09/22(木) 06:44:11.76 AAS
127: 2016/09/23(金) 14:10:34.03 AAS


128: 2016/09/23(金) 15:04:33.95 AAS


129: 2016/09/23(金) 21:16:29.38 AAS

New fivers sell for hundreds of pounds

22 September 2016 Last updated at 13:16 BST

Why are people paying hundreds of pounds for the new plastic £5 note?

BBC personal finance reporter Simon Gompertz explains.
Read more
New £5 note: Consumers face wait for plastic fiver
Paper banknotes disappearing fast as £20 turns plastic
(1): 2016/09/23(金) 21:17:41.01 AAS

5 things to know about the new polymer £5 note

13 September 2016 Last updated at 07:22 BST

New polymer £5 notes made out of a thin flexible plastic are being
released in England and Wales today.

The new banknotes are slightly smaller than the existing paper
£5 notes and have new security features to make them harder to copy.

The Bank of England, who make the bank notes, say they will be cleaner,
more secure and longer lasting.
131: 2016/09/23(金) 21:19:11.48 AAS
What happens to paper £5 notes?

Paper £5 notes are still okay to use if you have them or are given them.
The Bank of England plans to gradually withdraw them as they are paid
into banks by people and businesses.

More than 30 countries around the world already use polymer banknotes,
including Scotland, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

New polymer £10 notes are planned for release in summer 2017,
and polymer £20 notes will be available by 2020.
(1): 2016/09/23(金) 21:23:03.87 AAS

2 June 2016

England's new plastic £5 banknote: Why is polymer better than paper?


The Bank of England has unveiled the design for the new plastic £5 note.

The new banknote will be smaller than the current one and be printed on a thin plastic.

For more than 100 years, English banknotes have been made from cotton paper.
What is polymer?

Polymer banknotes are made from a very thin, flexible, see-through plastic film,
with the design printed on special layers of ink on the front and back.

Because the main material is see-through, the design can include clear spots
that are like little windows you can look straight through.

More than 20 countries around the world already use polymer banknotes -
they include Scotland, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.
133: 2016/09/23(金) 21:24:27.94 AAS

Why is polymer better than paper?

The Bank of England says that polymer banknotes will be better
than paper, because they will be:

Cleaner: Shiny plastic doesn't get wet and dirty like paper.

More secure: Features like the see-through windows are difficult
to copy, so it's harder for criminals to make fake notes.

Longer lasting: Plastic won't tear as easily as paper,
so the notes should last longer.

They're even expected to survive if they accidentally go
in the washing machine, although they'd melt under extreme heat.
When will the new note be in use?

The new £5 note will be going into circulation in September this year.

And it's not just the £5 that's going plastic - polymer £10 notes
are planned for 2017, and polymer £20 notes should be available by 2020.
134: 2016/09/28(水) 14:35:50.78 AAS
Wednesday's Daily Mail: "Now Mr Corbyn's in La La Land on migrants"

Wednesday's Times: "Humiliation for England as Allardyce steps down"

135: 2016/09/28(水) 14:36:25.98 AAS
Wednesday's Daily Mirror: "Brought down by his own greed" #BBCPapers

Wednesday's Guardian: "Corbyn rules out cutting immigration" #BBCPapers

136: 2016/09/28(水) 14:36:49.68 AAS
Wednesday's Telegraph: "Eight Premier League managers accused of taking transfer bungs" #BBCPapers (via @suttonnick)

Wednesday's FT: "Iran rejects output cap and wrecks Saudi bid to reverse oil price slide" #BBCPapers

137: 2016/09/28(水) 14:42:44.47 AAS
Reuters Top News ?@Reuters

BREAKING: Panama has officially asked the U.S. government to extradite former president Ricardo Martinelli


138: 2016/09/28(水) 14:43:07.27 AAS
Take an early look at the front page of The Wall Street Journal

139: 2016/09/28(水) 14:44:00.92 AAS

140: 2016/09/28(水) 14:45:44.94 AAS
Former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres Dies
9/27/2016 10:48PM
Shimon Peres, a former Israeli prime minister and president, has died age 93.
Mark Kelly looks back at his seven-decade career that included a Nobel Peace Prize
for negotiating the Oslo Accords, which set forth the steps toward the establishment
of a Palestinian state. Image: Getty
141: 2016/09/28(水) 14:46:39.94 AAS
Shimon Peres, former Israeli president, dies aged 93


The former Israeli PM and president, Shimon Peres, has died aged 93.

He suffered a stroke two weeks ago and his condition improved before a sudden deterioration on Tuesday.

His son Chemi led tributes to "one of the founding fathers of the state of Israel" who "worked tirelessly" for it.

Mr Peres, who was one of the last of a generation of Israeli politicians present
at the new nation's birth in 1948, served twice as the country's prime minister and once as president.

He won the Nobel Peace prize in 1994 for his role negotiating peace accords with
the Palestinians a year earlier.

He once said the Palestinians were Israel's "closest neighbours" and might become its "closest friends".


142: 2016/09/29(木) 14:58:58.97 AAS
MH17 missile 'came from Russia', Dutch-led investigators say


International prosecutors say Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was
downed over eastern Ukraine in 2014 by a Buk missile that had come from Russia.

They also narrowed down the area it was fired from to a field in
territory controlled by Russian-backed rebels.

All 298 people on board the Boeing 777 died when it broke apart in
mid-air flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur.

Russia says it cannot accept the findings as the final truth,
saying no Russian weapons were taken to Ukraine.

"Based on the criminal investigation, we have concluded that
flight MH17 was downed by a Buk missile of the series 9M83 that
came from the territory of the Russian Federation," chief Dutch
police investigator Wilbert Paulissen told a news conference on Wednesday.
143: 2016/09/30(金) 13:17:35.05 AAS

Hinkley Point contract is signed
By John Moylan


The government and French energy giant EDF have signed the key
contract for the new £18bn Hinkley Point C nuclear power station.

EDF boss Jean-Bernard Levy joined officials from the UK,
France and China at the behind-closed-doors ceremony in London on Thursday.

Earlier this month, the government gave the go-ahead for the
plant which will power nearly six million homes.

It will be the UK's first new nuclear plant in a generation.

The meeting was a second attempt at finalising the deal after
Prime Minister Theresa May unexpectedly announced in July that she wanted time to scrutinise it.

With her approval now granted and the contracts updated,
the formal signing took place at a ceremony attended by
Business Secretary Greg Clark and French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault.

China's National Energy Administration director, Nur Bekri,
and the chairman of Chinese firm CGN, He Yu, also attended.

Mr Clark said that signing the contract was a "crucial moment"
and that Hinkley played "an important part in ensuring our future low-carbon energy security".

Mr Ayrault said he was pleased that the UK government had
decided to go ahead with the project.
144: 2016/09/30(金) 13:21:25.45 AAS
BBC Breaking News ?@BBCBreaking

Hoboken train crash latest: - 3 people killed - 100 injured;
"some seriously" - "Train didn't slow" - eyewitness


145: 2016/09/30(金) 13:27:54.04 AAS

Shimon Peres funeral: World leaders gather in Israel

Other world dignitaries who are attending include:
Malcolm Turnbull, Prime Minister, Australia
Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister, Canada
Nicos Anastasiades, President, Cyprus
Bohuslav Sobotka, Prime Minister, Czech Republic
Kristian Jensen, Foreign Minister, Denmark
Taavi Roivas, Prime Minister, Estonia
Donald Tusk, President, European Council
Juha Sipila, Prime Minister, Finland
Francois Holland, President, France
Joachim Gauck, President, Germany
Matteo Renzi, Prime Minister, Italy
Gen Nakatani, former Defence Minister, Japan
Jawad Anani, senior minister, Jordan
Raimonds Vejonis, President, Latvia
Dalia Grybauskaite, President, Lithuania
Enrique Pena Nieto, President, Mexico
Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary-General, Nato
Mark Rutte, Prime Minister, the Netherlands
Borge Brende, Foreign Minister, Norway
Andrzej Duda, President, Poland
Klaus Iohannis, President, Romania
Valentina Matviyenko, speaker of the upper house of parliament, Russia
King Felipe VI, Spain
Stefan Lofven , Prime Minister, Sweden
Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General, United Nations
146: 2016/09/30(金) 13:30:16.42 AAS
Who was Shimon Peres?
Born in 1923 in Wisniew, Poland, now Vishnyeva, Belarus
First elected to the Knesset (Israeli parliament) in 1959
Served in 12 governments, including once as president and twice as prime minister
Seen as a hawk in his early years, when he negotiated arms deals for the fledgling nation
In 1996 he ordered the so-called Operation Grapes of Wrath operation against Beirut in
retaliation for Lebanese Hezbollah's escalated rocket fire on northern Israel.
The bombing campaign killed and injured hundreds of civilians
A member of the government that approved the building of Jewish settlements
on occupied territory, but came to view their future as negotiable
Played a key part in reaching the Oslo peace accords, the first deal between
Israel and the Palestinians, which said they would "strive to live in peaceful coexistence"
147: 2016/10/03(月) 20:32:19.74 AAS
Brexit: Theresa May to trigger Article 50 by end of March
2 October 2016

The UK will begin the formal Brexit negotiation process by the end of March 2017,
PM Theresa May has said.

The timing on triggering Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty means the UK looks
set to leave the EU by summer 2019.

Mrs May told the Tory Party conference - her first as prime minister -
the government would strike a deal with the EU as an "independent, sovereign" UK.

Voters had given their verdict "with emphatic clarity", she said,
and ministers had to "get on with the job".

In a speech on the first day of the conference in Birmingham,
she also gave details of a Great Repeal Bill which she said would end EU law's primacy in the UK.

She attacked those who "have still not accepted the result of
the referendum", adding: "It is up to the government not to question,
quibble or backslide on what we have been instructed to do, but to get on with the job."
(1): 2016/10/03(月) 20:37:55.65 AAS

Medicine Nobel for cell recycling work
By Michelle Roberts Health editor, BBC News online


The 2016 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine goes to
Yoshinori Ohsumi of Japan for discoveries about the secrets
of how cells can remain healthy by recycling waste.

He located genes that regulate the cellular "self eating"
process known as autophagy.

Dr Ohsumi's work is important because it helps explain
what goes wrong in a range of illnesses, from cancer to Parkinson's.

Errors in these genes cause disease.

Last year's prize was shared by three scientists
who developed treatments for malaria and other tropical diseases.
(1): 2016/10/03(月) 20:39:18.39 AAS


The body destroying its own cells may not sound like a good thing.
But autophagy is a natural defence that our bodies use to survive.

It allows the body to cope with starvation and fight off
invading bacteria and viruses, for example.

And it clears away old junk to make way for new cells.

Failure of autophagy is linked with many diseases of old age, including dementia.

Research is now ongoing to develop drugs that can target
autophagy in various diseases, including cancer.

The concept of autophagy has been known for over 50 years,
but it wasn't until Dr Ohsumi began studying and experimenting
with baker's yeast in the 80s and 90s that the breakthrough in understanding was made.
(1): 2016/10/03(月) 20:40:37.09 AAS
Dr Ohsumi is reported to be surprised about receiving
his Nobel Prize, but "extremely honoured".

Speaking with the Japanese broadcaster NHK he said that
the human body "is always repeating the auto-decomposition process,
or cannibalism, and there is a fine balance between
formation and decomposition. That's what life is about."

Prof David Rubinsztein, an expert in autophagy at
the University of Cambridge, said he was delighted that
Dr Ohsumi's vital work had been recognised and rewarded.

"His pioneering work in yeast led to the discovery
of the key genes and fundamental biochemical processes
that are required for autophagy.
151: 2016/10/03(月) 20:41:54.59 AAS
"As autophagy is well conserved from yeast to man,
his laboratory's discoveries have also provided
the critical tools to many labs to enable the appreciation
of the important roles of autophagy in diverse physiological and disease processes.

"These include infectious diseases, cancers,
and various neurodegenerative diseases such as
Huntington's disease and forms of Parkinson's disease.
Indeed, autophagy manipulation may provide a key strategy
for treating some of these conditions."

More than 270 scientists were nominated for the prize,
which was awarded at Sweden's Karolinska Institute and
comes with eight million Swedish kronor (around £728,000
or$936,000 or 834,000 euros) for the winner.

The winners of the physics, chemistry and peace prizes
are to be announced later this week.
152: 2016/10/03(月) 21:06:21.04 AAS
BBC Radio 5 live ?@bbc5live

Will you be swapping your cod for something
more exotic at the chippy? Temperature change
is leading to more exotic fish in British waters


153: 2016/10/03(月) 22:17:35.45 AAS
Reuters Top News ?@Reuters 51分51分前

Oil breaks above $50 a barrel as investors warm to OPEC deal
(1): 2016/10/04(火) 11:10:35.26 AAS
BBC News (UK) ?@BBCNews

Tuesday's Times: "British troops exempted from human rights law" #tomorrowspaperstoday #bbcpapers (via @suttonnick)


BBC News (UK) ?@BBCNews

Tuesday's Guardian: "Hunt promises to end NHS reliance on overseas doctors" #tomorrowspaperstoday #bbcpapers


155: 2016/10/04(火) 11:11:41.63 AAS



156: 2016/10/04(火) 11:14:07.41 AAS
BBC News (UK) ?@BBCNews

Tuesday's Metro: "Please don't kill me I have babies"
#tomorrowspaperstoday #bbcpapers (via @suttonnick)


BBC News (UK) ?@BBCNews

Tuesday's Daily Star: "£9m gem raid Kim begged for her life"
#tomorrowspaperstoday #bbcpapers (via @suttonnick)


157: 2016/10/04(火) 11:17:46.79 AAS
BBC News (UK) ?@BBCNews

Tuesday's Morning Star: "Disgraced rail firm threatens jobs massacre"
#tomorrowspaperstoday (via @suttonnick)


BBC News (UK) ?@BBCNews

Tuesday's FT: "Hammond warns of two years of turbulence and uncertainty"
#tomorrowspaperstoday #bbcpapers #cpc16


158: 2016/10/04(火) 11:19:41.15 AAS
BBC News (UK) ?@BBCNews

Tuesday's Independent digital:
"Hunt picks a new fight with junior doctors: work abroad and I'll fine you"


(1): 2016/10/06(木) 01:43:55.75 AAS
Reuters Top News ?@Reuters

From the death toll to the price of a ticket,
this data dive looks at escaping from Syria - by the numbers:
160: 2016/10/06(木) 01:44:39.11 AAS

161: 2016/10/06(木) 01:47:25.02 AAS
Reuters Top News ?@Reuters

Explore 115 years of information about #NobelPrize winners.
Find out who won what and when: 外部リンク:reut.rs


162: 2016/10/06(木) 03:15:29.86 AAS
The Economist @TheEconomist

A century old today, the Trans-Siberian railway is woven into
Russia’s cultural life 外部リンク:econ.st


163: 2016/10/06(木) 03:15:55.17 AAS
Xeniolum ?@xeniolum

≪Trans-Siberian Railway 100th anniversary: Tales from Moscow to Vladivostok≫

164: 2016/10/06(木) 03:19:23.83 AAS
Travelling Trans Siberian Railway | Top Stories | CBC

Published on Mar 7, 2014

Jean-Francois Belanger steps away from Sochi and look at the
"other side of Russia." In this installment in the series he travels on the Trans Siberian Railway.
165: 2016/10/06(木) 03:20:45.51 AAS
Fabian Weis ?@fabianweiss

Happy Birthday Trans-Siberian Railway! What an honour
to be able to celebrate your 100th a…


166: 2016/10/06(木) 03:23:43.75 AAS
Lady Stormwind ?@Lady_Stormwind

Today is the 100 anniversary of the Trans-Siberian Railway


100th Anniversary of the completion of the Trans-Siberian Railway:
Five facts about the world’s longest rail line


167: 2016/10/06(木) 03:26:21.35 AAS
Lady Stormwind ?@Lady_Stormwind

In Scotland discovered a Madonna by Raphael, valued at $26 million


Painting Valued at $26 Turns Out to Be Raphael Masterpiece Worth Millions


168: 2016/10/09(日) 05:19:28.59 AAS

169: 2016/10/11(火) 05:43:36.65 AAS

Orgreave: The battle that's not over
By Dan Johnson News correspondent


In 1984 police and striking miners clashed violently at
Orgreave in South Yorkshire. But now there is growing pressure
for an inquiry to investigate what went on that day.

Orgreave is an ugly word. Stubbornly linked with one of
the most violent episodes in British industrial history.

Even the developers transforming the place are trying to change it.
"We are Waverley," declare the signs.
"A vibrant new community providing leading-edge jobs and desirable new homes."

It's a place Stefan Wysocki will never forget and
yet he's struggling to recognise it.
170: 2016/10/12(水) 01:49:07.30 AAS
A4MC1617_Team8 @A4MC1617_Team8

Misleidende reclame noemen ze dat dan... #ISIS #riskant #A4MC1617


171: 2016/10/12(水) 01:51:45.88 AAS

Bernd Bornsen @Medienzigarre

#DasSchifffurheute: Die #Riskant aus #Klingenberg am Main
(Unterfranken) vor Bonn, rheinabwarts


172: 2016/10/14(金) 02:38:36.50 AAS
Speakeasy @WSJspeakeasy

Poll: Did Bob Dylan deserve to win the Nobel Prize in Literature?


173: 2016/10/14(金) 11:34:22.86 AAS
Friday's i: "Sturgeon fires gun for Brexit break-up"
#tomorrowspaperstoday #bbcpapers (via @hendopolis)


174: 2016/10/14(金) 11:36:24.96 AAS
Friday's Times: "Home Office 'covered up racism of abuse judge'"


175: 2016/10/14(金) 11:36:54.95 AAS
Friday's Sun: "It’s all gone a bit King Kong"


176: 2016/10/14(金) 11:37:44.08 AAS
Friday's Mail: "MPs vote on Sir Shifty's gong"


177: 2016/10/14(金) 11:38:25.76 AAS
Friday's Mirror: "He smashed his way out"


178: 2016/10/14(金) 11:39:20.05 AAS
Friday's Guardian: "Obama piles pressure on 'cruel' Trump"


179: 2016/10/14(金) 11:41:08.07 AAS
Friday's Telegraph: "They knew I was innocent"


180: 2016/10/14(金) 11:41:50.29 AAS
Friday's Star: "Marmite Wars Are Toast!"


181: 2016/10/14(金) 11:42:24.39 AAS
Friday's Express: "Millions face pensions misery"


182: 2016/10/14(金) 11:42:58.44 AAS
Friday's Metro: "Trump and a girl of 10"


183: 2016/10/14(金) 11:44:01.42 AAS
Friday's FT: "Marmite back online at Tesco"


184: 2016/10/15(土) 02:32:55.34 AAS
Political Cartoon ?@Cartoon4sale

Brexite or Marmite by Dave Brown - political cartoon gallery


185: 2016/10/15(土) 02:36:08.86 AAS

The Marmite message: prepare for price hikes


Marmite is famously, or notoriously, binary. It's something you either love or hate.
So it's appropriate that it has become the poster product for the effect of the highly
divisive and binary Brexit vote.

For one day, anyway. Almost as if it were choreographed by clever PR people, Marmite,
Pot Noodles, PG Tips and numerous well-known household soap brands were removed from
online sale by Tesco for 24 hours of impasse with its biggest supplier, Unilever.

A day on, they kissed and made up, in a corporate way. The message to consumers was clear:
prices are going up. This is not just about Unilever and not just about Tesco.
Importing suppliers, for which Unilever is the biggest and most powerful for Fast-Moving
Consumer Products, have to raise prices when their products hit the shores of the sterlingzone.

The question raised by the Great Marmite Famine Day is how much of that is absorbed
by the importer, how much by the retailer, and how much by the consumer.

The answer will be, in most cases, a bit of all three. It depends on negotiating power,
negotiation tactics and who has most room for manoeuvre.

Customers are willing to manoeuvre themselves towards other retailers to an increasing
extent. In a tough price war, the big retailers have had their margins squeezed tight.
So it is the manufacturers and suppliers who may finding themselves having to give up most.
186: 2016/10/15(土) 02:42:09.11 AAS

Tesco runs short on Marmite and household brands in price row with Unilever

Supplier halts deliveries of range of household brands, blaming the falling value of the pound for cost increases
187: 2016/10/15(土) 11:50:41.70 AAS
Time Out London @TimeOutLondon

A gorilla escaped at London Zoo, with site on lockdown and
armed police called to scene


188: 2016/10/16(日) 13:13:48.66 AAS
Vala Afshar @ValaAfshar

knowledge | experience | creativity


189: 2016/10/16(日) 13:14:10.37 AAS
Vala Afshar @ValaAfshar

Price changes in last 20 years:
?Textbooks +207%
?Tuition +197%
?Childcare +122%
?Medical care +105%
?Software -66%


190: 2016/10/18(火) 00:14:40.46 AAS
Reuters Top News @Reuters

One dead in explosion at BASF site in Germany:
fire department 外部リンク:reut.rs



191: 2016/10/18(火) 00:32:15.95 AAS
LT Museum @ltmuseum

Listen to art critic Jonathan Glancey for a talk on the history of
Piccadilly Circus at 7pm tomorrow. #FrankPick



192: 2016/10/28(金) 15:14:22.43 AAS
DAILY MAIL: 'A sick Joke!'

THE SUN: 'CPS you took Sun helluva beating'


193: 2016/10/28(金) 15:14:59.31 AAS
THE GUARDIAN: 'Nissan pledge hands Brexit boost to May'


THE TIMES: 'Last ditch no 10 pledge kept Nissan in Britain'


194: 2016/10/28(金) 15:15:27.76 AAS
DAILY TELEGRAPH - SCOTLAND VERSION: EU tariffs 'a price worth paying'


DAILY TELEGRAPH: "NHS loses millions to foreigners"


195: 2016/10/28(金) 15:16:23.28 AAS
FT: "Deutsche Bank swing to profit eases pressure amid turbulence"


THE I: 'Nissan Brexit coup for Britain'


196: 2016/10/28(金) 15:16:52.29 AAS
EXPRESS: "Proof Britain's booming after EU vote"


DAILY MIRROR: "Edwina Currie and the Tory poppy thief"


197: 2016/10/29(土) 11:03:05.12 AAS








161023 Showroom 橋本陽菜(AKB48 チーム8)



さっきいってた7位だって、りょー・・りょーすけさんて言ってたじゃん、そんなのなくない? 」

198: 2016/11/01(火) 14:58:45.11 AAS

“Japanese girl band Keyakizaka46 cause outrage
by dressing in NAZI SS-style outfits | Daily Mail Online”
199: 2016/11/01(火) 14:59:28.77 AAS

Japanese girl band cause outrage by dressing in NAZI-style outfits

A Japanese girlband has caused outrage after their outfits
for a Halloween concert were compared to Nazi uniform.

The group, Keyakizaka46, performed on Saturday at Yokohama arena
in Japan wearing military-style black capes with wide collars.
They also wore peaked hats featuring a bird symbol akin to
the formal Nazi symbol of an eagle atop a swastika.

While video footage shows fans screaming in adoration of
the band - whose young members range between 15 and 21 years old -
others have taken to social media to share their disapproval
of the girls' choice of attire.
200: 2016/11/02(水) 17:15:37.29 AAS


New pound coin: Firms told to prepare for redesign

31 October 2016

Businesses should get ready now for the introduction of
the new 12-sided pound coin, the Treasury has said.

A new website is urging firms to adapt their equipment
and train their staff in preparation for the arrival of the new coin in March 2017.

All machines accepting cash, whether it's in exchange
for a rail ticket or a chocolate bar, will have to be updated.

But for a six-month transitional period businesses will
need to find ways to accept both the old and new coins.

After that the existing round pound coin will be phased out.

The website, hosted by the Royal Mint, suggests that
businesses should check before March whether any of their cash handling equipment needs updating, and make sure machines that take payment in coins can handle both the old and the new versions.

They should also consider training their staff
"on the features of the new £1 coin", it says.

The new coin is being introduced because approximately
one in 30 pound coins currently in circulation is a fake,
according to the Royal Mint and the new coins are designed
to be harder to counterfeit.

"The new £1 coin will be the most secure of its kind
in the world and its cutting-edge features will present
a significant barrier to counterfeiters, reducing the cost
to businesses and the taxpayer," said David Gauke,
the Chief Secretary to the Treasury.
201: 2016/11/04(金) 22:43:15.11 AAS

Tory MP Stephen Phillips quits over 'irreconcilable differences'

Stephen Phillips has quit as a Tory MP for Lincolnshire over
"irreconcilable policy differences" with the government since the Brexit vote.

The MP, who has held the Sleaford and North Hykeham seat since 2010,
backed leaving the EU but says ministers have been by-passing Parliament since then.

He said he was "unable properly to represent the people who elected me".

It comes as Theresa May said she was confident she would win
a legal battle over her approach to Brexit talks.

・ PM 'confident' over Brexit case appeal
・ Legal questions at heart of Brexit battle
・Brexit court ruling dominates press
・Court ruling: Your questions answered
202: 2016/11/05(土) 01:22:31.39 AAS

New West Coast rail franchise to run HS2 services


A new rail franchise combining the current InterCity West Coast
main line with HS2 high-speed services has been announced by the government.

The new franchise will be called the West Coast Partnership and
is scheduled to start on 1 April, 2019.

The operator will be responsible for services on both the West Coast
Main Line from 2019 and running the initial HS2 services in 2026.

Construction of the HS2 line is scheduled to begin next year.

It is planned that HS2 will eventually link London, Birmingham,
the East Midlands, Leeds, Sheffield and Manchester.

The contract will run for the first three to five years of HS2's operation.


203: 2016/11/05(土) 01:24:20.53 AAS

Egypt raises energy prices hours after floating currency

Move is part of Cairo’s austerity measures aimed at securing a IMF loan agreement
204: 2016/11/05(土) 01:26:09.33 AAS

United Airlines to stop Belfast to New York flights


US airline United is to stop flights between Belfast and New York,
months after a £9m rescue deal.

The financial assistance was revealed by BBC News NI in August.

Two thirds of the money, which was to be given to United over
three years, was to come from the Northern Ireland Executive.

The flight is the only regular direct air link between Northern Ireland
and the US. The last departure from Belfast will be on 9 January.
205: 2016/11/05(土) 19:24:04.70 AAS
Sir William Davenant @SirWilliamD

Britain at paranoia's poison door...
Bonfire of the sanities by Morten Morland.


206: 2016/11/09(水) 02:48:11.89 AAS

Toblerone gets more gappy, but its fans are not happy


207: 2016/11/09(水) 23:24:57.88 AAS

Croydon tram: Five dead and 50 injured after derailment

Five people have died and dozens more have been injured after
a tram overturned in south London, police have said.

British Transport Police (BTP) has arrested the driver but would
not confirm what for.

Two people remain trapped inside the vehicle following the derailment
in Croydon just after 06:00 GMT.

A number of people were freed and more than 50 people were taken to
hospital with injuries.

Investigators from the Rail Accident Investigation Branch are at the scene.

Live updates on Croydon tram crash

London Ambulance Service said 51 people had been taken to St George's Hospital
in Tooting, south London, and Croydon University Hospital.


208: 2016/11/09(水) 23:27:28.93 AAS

Croydon tram derailment: Driver arrested after 5 die and dozens injured

9 November 2016 ? 2:05pm

Police confirm 5 dead, more than 50 injured
Officers called to Sandilands tram stop at 6:10am
Two-car tram overturned in tunnel

The driver of a tram that derailed killing five people and
injuring dozens more in Croydon has been arrested.

British Transport Police said the arrest had been made
as emergency services continued to work at the scene
near Sandilands tram stop to free people trapped in the two-carriage vehicle.

More than 50 people were injured, some seriously, when the crowded
rush-hour tram tipped on to its side next to an underpass near the stop
shortly after 6.10am on Wednesday.
209: 2016/11/09(水) 23:34:47.42 AAS
Croydon Guardian @CroydonGuardian

Fatalities have been confirmed after the #Croydon tram crash.
Live coverage with latest updates here


210: 2016/11/09(水) 23:35:19.83 AAS
Heard a massive crash outside my window,
now emergency services everywhere for the overturned tram,
hope everyone is ok #croydon


211: 2016/11/09(水) 23:41:19.17 AAS
Croydon MPS @MPSCroydon

�� SANDILANDS �� Emergency Services are
dealing with a serious incident at #Sandilands tram stop.
Please avoid the area #Croydoncops


212: 2016/11/09(水) 23:52:19.64 AAS
London Fire Brigade @LondonFire

Firefirefighters are currently dealing with an accident
involving a tram at the Sandilands tram stop Addiscombe Rd,
Croydon. More to follow.


213: 2016/11/10(木) 10:27:57.73 AAS

Croydon tram: Seven dead and 50 injured after derailment

Seven people have died and dozens more have been injured
after a tram overturned in London.

People were trapped inside and more than 50 were taken to
hospital after the derailment in Croydon just after 06:00 GMT.

The tram driver, 42, from Beckenham, has been arrested
on suspicion of manslaughter.

British Transport Police said they were investigating whether he fell asleep.

The Rail Accident Investigation Branch (RAIB) said
the tram was travelling at a "significantly higher speed than is permitted".

The police have set up a number - 0800 0560154 - for friends
and family to call for information.


214: 2016/11/26(土) 08:07:33.43 AAS
UK photographer David Hamilton dies, aged 83


David Hamilton, a British photographer best known for nude
images of underage girls, has died at the age of 83.

His body was found at his home in Paris on Friday evening.

Some media reports suggest he killed himself. Hamilton had
recently denied accusations that he had in the past raped some of his teenage models.

Born in London in 1933, he made his name in the 1960s with
soft-focus pictures of young girls, often nude, published by major magazines.

In a book published last month, prominent TV presenter
Flavie Flament described being raped in the 1980s by a famous photographer, without giving a name.

Other women then levelled similar accusations. In an
interview with L'Obs weekly last week, Flament named Hamilton as her attacker.

He strongly denied the accusations, and said he would sue for defamation.

Hamilton settled in France after leaving Britain in the 1950s.
215: 2016/11/26(土) 08:18:08.94 AAS
Reuters Top News @Reuters

Putin presents Russian passport to Hollywood actor Seagal


216: 2017/03/08(水) 16:15:44.95 AAS

217: 2017/03/08(水) 16:17:35.65 AAS

218: 2017/03/11(土) 19:41:25.50 AAS
Rabbit hole in farmer's field leads to 'mystery caves'
219: 2017/03/22(水) 00:48:04.31 AAS

(1): 2017/03/23(木) 01:00:50.92 AAS
Looks like a terrorist attack in London.




221: 2017/03/23(木) 01:09:07.59 AAS
Gunshot outside Parliament Westminster
A policeman has been stabbed &
the assailant was shot by army police ... London stabbing


222: 2017/03/23(木) 01:10:20.58 AAS
The terror attack path at Westminster and Parliament in London


223: 2017/03/23(木) 01:21:59.44 AAS




(1): 2017/03/23(木) 03:47:09.91 AAS


(1): 2017/03/23(木) 15:12:01.77 AAS




226: 2017/03/23(木) 15:13:09.59 AAS
HK Weapons
227: 2017/03/23(木) 15:31:07.86 AAS
228: 2017/03/24(金) 19:09:01.98 AAS

229: 2017/03/29(水) 04:29:18.90 AAS

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