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686: 2013/04/03(水) 06:18:35 ID:Z6ps1u7w0(1)調 AAS
Captain A380 Job
Location Tokyo, Japan
Employer Iasco-Global
Salary Approx $170,000

Position: Captain Airbus A380

Assignment: Skymark Airlines Co., Ltd., Japan - (SKY) (BC)

Flight Base: Tokyo

Length of Assignment: Three (3) years plus training for initial contract. Renewal is expected, but not guaranteed.

Compensation: 75 Hour Guarantee: US$8,000 month
(Note: Initial Training pay US$7,000 month) Plus all Japanese income taxes are paid by Skymark.

Yen Adjustment: Yen adjustment payment,
(Yen to USD exchange rate - when below is 85 to $1USD.)

Contract Completion Bonus: US$9,000.00
Overtime Rate: $106.67/hour over 75 hours (Line Captain Rate)
Flight Per Diem: Japanese Yen 150,000/month flat rate Per Month.

Housing Allowance: Japanese Yen 250,000/month, upon successful completion of JCAB Captain Line Check.

Japanese Taxes: All Japanese Taxes are paid by Skymark.
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