どんぐりシステムについて話しましょう ★47 (1002レス)
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(6): どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.372][UR武+14][UR防+18][木告] 06/27(木)12:51 ID:CAP_USER(5/8)調 AAS
How about a way to remove the detriments of being shot by the cannon, unless there is an attack?
If an attack comes, then we add the detriments again to prevent the attackers.
When the attack ends, we can remove the detriments again.
(1): 警備員[Lv.5][新芽] 06/27(木)12:55 ID:Syy4uJQS0(1)調 AAS
353(3): どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.372][UR武+14][UR防+18][木告] 06/27(木)12:52 ID:CAP_USER(6/8)調 AAS
Hmm yes it does appear to be that way.
Ill see if I can adjust it a bit.
There is a bug in 5ch right now

Even if a troll is shot, he can post immediately

Even if he is at level 0, he will be at level 1 as soon as he posts, so the trolling will not stop
359: 警備員[Lv.2][警] 06/27(木)13:03 ID:OLbDXtOWH(1)調 AAS
The feature mentioned by >>355 is one of the major advantages of the どんぐり大砲. If you remove it, no one will shoot the cannon.
Maybe the number of UPLIFT buyers will decrease. The どんぐり大砲 is such a great feature.
(1): ハンター[Lv.356][林] 06/28(金)02:16 ID:2D1TszuE0(1)調 AAS
Hi, long time no see.

5 channel operators thinking changed ?
It's OK if they prepare users better ways that enable to stop bots any time if they come.
Just return this BBS as same as we can use it before last July.
If so, we can accept donguri system would be absent sometimes.

But until it presents, I think donguri system must be.
Because hunters expected not only as shooters but as watch dogs in any boards against bots at present.

Another point of view,
a problem has occurred that some of 5 channel users hurt hunters mind.
They often take it out on hunters why donguri level lost, why donguri was lost, and so on.
I wonder why they request responsibilities to hunters ?
Hunters are UPLIFT purchasers, just volunteers.
Not 5 channel customer supports.
506: 警備員[Lv.1][新芽] 06/28(金)09:14 ID:M0MQsylq0(1/2)調 AAS
I don't disagree with your suggestion.
However it is the most important that
the cannon is not used to users who are not scripting ARASHI,
even while the detriments come back.
Any opinion should be protected, even if some hunters dislike it.
508: NVIDIA GB200 ◆44mDe.EXFS/R ハンター[Lv.682][森] 06/28(金)09:57 ID:0(2/2) AAS

There is a saying in Japan, "Don't forget how you started out"
Once again, please remember the significance of establishing the Donguri System.

524: ハンター[Lv.385][UR武+18][UR防+17][木] 06/29(土)13:10 ID:3MAXr0F50NIKU(1)調 AAS

Can you please separate the weapon equipment enhancements and the weakening on a separate page?
It is rather unreasonable because if you touch the weaken button by mistake, the Marimo just gets sucked up and disappears.
If it is a UR weakening, it means that one UR's worth of Marimo will disappear, so I would like to see this taken care of properly.
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