Cygwin使っている人いますか? その22 (933レス)
15(1): 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 2014/10/26(日) 17:27:57.04 AAS
>>14stat は coreutils に入ってるので、ソース(パッチ)見てみた。
setpu-x86.exe で coreutils の src にチェックを付けてインストール。
mintty 起動して、/usr/src/ に coreutils-x.xx 出来てるので、
$ grep -C 10 ctime coreutils-8.23-4.cygwin.patch
+This release depends on features that did not exist prior to
+cygwin-1.7.32. There are still corner cases of POSIX compliance that
+are impossible without more support from future cygwin versions, such
+as proper treatment of directory ctime or atomicity of some low-level
+functions, or outright impossible, such as hard links on a FAT drive.
+Cygwin provides its own `kill' that understands Windows pid's, so the
+coreutils version is renamed `gkill'. Although coreutils provides
+an `uptime', on Cygwin you will need the `procps' package. I would
+appreciate help in getting `stdbuf' ported to Cygwin. There are
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