サウジアラビア王国 Part.2©2ch.net (752レス)
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(3): 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 転載ダメ©2ch.net [ageteoff] 2016/06/10(金) 00:05:40.26 ID:??? AAS

453: 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 2018/04/17(火) 06:19:39.18 ID:??? AAS

全板対応の避難所  2ちゃんねる避難所@2NN 2ちゃん
http://www.2n★n.jp/refuge/  ← ★を取ってね


614: [] 2019/06/17(月) 12:19:00.64 ID:dVqvcRs9(1)調 AAS


2019年6月16日 14時23分  話題度:71 64レス 【天才】イギリスの16歳が『戦争をなくす方法』を解明へ国連が作業チーム設置(日本語版全文あり)
723: 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [] 2022/06/27(月) 11:25:18.14 ID:a48LVP/7(1)調 AAS
Welcome to MURPHY'S HOTEL!! HERE IT COMES!━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!

~Features of MURPHY'S HOTEL~

1. The TV remote control in the room suddenly disappears.
2. The water pressure becomes weak only when you use the shower.
3. There are many parents who make their children cry and cry on purpose.
14. If you charge the spare batteries of your digital camera and go out, the uncharged batteries appear.
15. Please note that the gas burner that you bought online is a very dangerous product that keeps spraying from the time of installation.
16. Only the TV in your room has poor reception. It's no use replacing expensive TVs.
17. The stairs near your room are filled with vomit by cult members, so let's use the elevator.
18. You should not go to the hotel hospital because the hotel hospital deliberately removes the blood vessels when they give you the injection.
19. Don't go to the hotel dentist because the hotel dentist will deliberately adjust the replacement tooth to make the gums swell.
20. Do not allow your cat to be seen by the hotel vet. Abuse your cat by deliberately bleeding when cutting his nails.
21.If you buy sheet music on the internet, play it with caution as it will be sent to you altered. Needless to say, this is an insult to the composer and his country. ←NEW

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