羽生結弦&オタヲチスレ 避難所Part2 (1000レス)

(3): 2015/03/19(木)13:36 AAS
In other words, he suffered from a rare infliction,
in which the fibrous remnant from his umbilical cord failed to dissolve as he became an adult.
Orser said Hanyu developed a cyst that became infected and had to be exised.
Fortunately, doctors did it by arthroscopic surgery, Orser said.
“They didn’t have to cut any muscle, but they did have to cut the fascia.”
Although the hospital stay was expected to be two weeks with another four weeks away from the ice,
Hanyu actually was laid up and off the ice for five weeks.
Orser thinks Hanyu remained in hospital for most of that time.
“I know that he has some allergies to a lot of medications, so he has to be careful about that,” he said.
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