新拡張パック CATACLYSM (1000レス)

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16: 2009/08/24(月)14:11 ID:YAeAW3vY0(1/79) AAS
>Rocket Jump - Activate your rocket belt to jump up to 20 yards, every 2 min
>Rocket Barrage - Fire your belt rockets at an enemy within 30 yards, every 2 min. (Shared cooldown with Rocket Jump)
>Time is money - Cash in on a 1% increase to attack and casting speed.
>Best Deals Anywhere - Best possible gold discount, regardless of reputation.
>Pack Hobgoblin - Calls in your personal servent, allowing you bank access every 30 min.
>Better Living Through Chemistry - Alchemy skill +15, Your potions give more health / mana
>Goblins can be all classes except Paladin or Druids
>Darkflight - Activate your true form, increasing movement speed by 70% for 6 sec, every 3 min.
>Viciousness - Increase damage by 1%.
>Abberation - Reduced duration on Curses and Diseases used against you by 15%.
>Flayer - Skinning skill +15, you skin creature fast, and you don't even need a knife.
>Worgens can be all classes except Paladins or Shamans
>Worgen Form
>The Worgen Form is cosmetic only
>out of combat you can pick between Human or Worgen.
>In combat you will be a worgen.

worgen formは見た目だけです、ってオイオイ。ここぞと言うときに変身!するのがいいんじゃないか。
つかhuman formのままで移動速度upとかどうなのw
あと 984 レスあります
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