キューバ女子柔道コーチを愛でるスレ (70レス)
抽出解除 レス栞

63: 06/07(金)00:50:22.79 AAS
Sports Athlete(s)       Discipline Reasons to reallocate
Judo TASOEV Inal M100+ Participation in pro-war event featuring Z-symbols and propaganda 
Pro-war activities in social networks
Judo KANIKOVSKIY Matvey Participation in pro-war event featuring Z-symbols and propaganda
Judo IGOLNIKOV Mikhail M90 Participation in pro-war event featuring Z-symbols and propaganda
Judo ARBUZOV Timur M81
Judo LAVRENTEV Danil M73 Participation in pro-war event featuring Z-symbols and propaganda
Judo CHOPANOV Murad M66
Judo ABDULAEV Ramazan M60
Judo STARTSEVA Elis W78+ Participation in pro-war event featuring Z-symbols and propaganda
70: 09/19(木)14:28:01.79 AAS
スレ情報 赤レス抽出 画像レス抽出 歴の未読スレ AAサムネイル

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