[過去ログ] 【話題】小室圭さん、ロン毛姿に激変。長髪を後ろに結ぶ“侍スタイル” 記者ガン無視でポケットに手 ★15 [potato★] (1002レス)
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(3): 2021/09/24(金)23:13 ID:MgJHTq8o0(1) AAS
Kei counsels entrepreneurs, emerging companies, and investors on venture capital financings, mergers and acquisitions, entity formation, and general corporate matters.
He has experience working in Tokyo at both a law firm and a foreign exchange bank where, as a certified securities broker representative, he provided loan and foreign exchange services and prepared financial analyses for non-Japanese corporate clients.
Kei is fluent in Japanese.
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ぬこの手 ぬこTOP 1.443s*