[過去ログ] 【韓国】 「旭日旗と少女像、日本に対する憎しみの象徴として煽り立てる何らかの意図がある」〜漫画家ユン・ソイン氏★2[10/05] (788レス)
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775: <丶`∀´> [s] 2018/11/23(金)13:54 ID:8WE042Sc(1) AAS
「”The Rising Sun Flag” has no political mean. It is just a symbol of Japanese Army ,currently Japanese Maritime Self‐Defense Force,
which has been hoisted since mid of 19th century. Furthermore, Japanese has custom that people hoist the flag when people celebrate
some happy events, memorial day ,festival and so forth. In addition, the flag was officially registered for International Maritime Organization(IMO)
with no-countries’ claim. However, there is serious mis-understanding on such a background on the flag by foreign people, especially by Korean.
Korean claim has non-sense. They started claiming it after Asian Soccer Tournament in 2011. In the match of Japan-Korea in the tournament of 2011,
One of Korean players acted racist gesture. He was criticized on the action and he excused that he couldn’t withstand
"The Rising Sun Flag" ,he recognized as symbol of "War Crime Country Flag" −there is no such a concept, though− in the stadium. 
Again, it should be emphasized that Korean has never claimed it before the soccer tournament in 2011.That is suspected that this new
claim act against Japan by Korean is aimed at prevailing over other people/country by indignity , going on till they reluctantly surrender,
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