zipの日本語ファイル名がmacOS10.15で解凍できなくなる (59レス)
抽出解除 レス栞

32: 2020/02/09(日)18:44:04.54 ID:lqxgBS4t0(2/3) AAS

>Why can't 7-Zip open some ZIP archives?
>In 99% of these cases it means that the archive contains incorrect headers. Other ZIP programs can open some archives with incorrect headers, since these programs just ignore errors.
>If you have such archive, please don't call the 7-Zip developers about it. Instead try to find the program that was used to create the archive and inform the developers of that program that their software is not ZIP-compatible.
>There are also some ZIP archives that were encoded with methods unsupported by 7-Zip, for example, WAVPack (WinZip).
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