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17: マンセー生物学 [biologist] 2018/10/03(水)15:04 ID:mZtF9L7s(1/6) AAS
18: マンセー生物学 [biologist] 2018/10/03(水)15:08 ID:mZtF9L7s(2/6) AAS
2 October 2018

The Royal Swedish Academy of Scienceshas decided to award the Nobel Prize in Physics 2018

“for groundbreaking inventions in the field of laser physics”

with one half to

Arthur Ashkin
19: マンセー生物学 [biologist] 2018/10/03(水)15:12 ID:mZtF9L7s(3/6) AAS
Tools made of light

The inventions being honoured this year have revolutionised laser physics.
Extremely small objects and incredibly rapid processes are now being seen in a new light.
Advanced precision instruments are opening up unexplored areas of research and a multitude of industrial and medical applications.

Arthur Ashkin invented optical tweezers that grab particles, atoms, viruses and other living cells with their laser beam fingers.
This new tool allowed Ashkin to realise an old dream of science fiction – using the radiation pressure of light to move physical objects.
He succeeded in getting laser light to push small particles towards the centre of the beam and to hold them there.
Optical tweezers had been invented.

A major breakthrough came in 1987, when Ashkin used the tweezers to capture living bacteria without harming them.
He immediately began studying biological systems and optical tweezers are now widely used to investigate the machinery of life.
20: マンセー生物学 [biologist] 2018/10/03(水)15:14 ID:mZtF9L7s(4/6) AAS
Gérard Mourou and Donna Strickland paved the way towards the shortest and most intense laser pulses ever created by mankind.
Their revolutionary article was published in 1985 and was the foundation of Strickland’s doctoral thesis.

Using an ingenious approach, they succeeded in creating ultrashort high-intensity laser pulses without destroying the amplifying material.
First they stretched the laser pulses in time to reduce their peak power, then amplified them, and finally compressed them.
If a pulse is compressed in time and becomes shorter, then more light is packed together in the same tiny space – the intensity of the pulse increases dramatically.

Strickland and Mourou’s newly invented technique, called chirped pulse amplification, CPA, soon became standard for subsequent high-intensity lasers.
Its uses include the millions of corrective eye surgeries that are conducted every year using the sharpest of laser beams.

The innumerable areas of application have not yet been completely explored.
However, even now these celebrated inventions allow us to rummage around in the microworld in the best spirit of Alfred Nobel – for the greatest benefit to humankind.
21: マンセー生物学 [biologist] 2018/10/03(水)15:22 ID:mZtF9L7s(5/6) AAS
賞金1/2, 1/4, 1/4で分配らしい
(1): 2018/10/03(水)18:36 ID:wHPoNniD(1/2) AAS
23: 2018/10/03(水)18:46 ID:mZtF9L7s(6/6) AAS
24: 2018/10/03(水)18:55 ID:wHPoNniD(2/2) AAS

25: 2018/10/04(木)01:16 ID:ZjCgchKh(1) AAS
(2): 2018/10/04(木)04:02 ID:Vw5XX0Th(1/2) AAS
(1): 2018/10/04(木)19:43 ID:h5BV2MDl(1) AAS

(1): 2018/10/04(木)20:09 ID:Vw5XX0Th(2/2) AAS
29: 2018/10/05(金)00:17 ID:8ptCOVdg(1/2) AAS
30: 2018/10/05(金)00:29 ID:8ptCOVdg(2/2) AAS
3 scientists sped up evolution in a lab. Their work just won a Nobel Prize.
31: 2018/10/06(土)15:11 ID:fAs0KVTe(1) AAS
32: 2018/10/07(日)09:42 ID:DqtCJAim(1/7) AAS
3 October 2018

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2018

with one half to

Frances H. Arnold
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA

“for the directed evolution of enzymes”
33: 2018/10/07(日)09:49 ID:DqtCJAim(2/7) AAS
They harnessed the power of evolution
The power of evolution is revealed through the diversity of life.
The 2018 Nobel Laureates in Chemistry have taken control of evolution and used it for purposes that bring the greatest benefit to humankind.
Enzymes produced through directed evolution are used to manufacture everything from biofuels to pharmaceuticals.
Antibodies evolved using a method called phage display can combat autoimmune diseases and in some cases cure metastatic cancer.

Since the first seeds of life arose around 3.7 billion years ago, almost every crevice on Earth has filled with different organisms.
Life has spread to hot springs, deep oceans and dry deserts, all because evolution has solved a number of chemical problems.
Life’s chemical tools – proteins – have been optimised, changed and renewed, creating incredible diversity.

This year’s Nobel Laureates in Chemistry have been inspired by the power of evolution and used the same principles – genetic change and selection – to develop proteins that solve mankind’s chemical problems.
34: 2018/10/07(日)09:53 ID:DqtCJAim(3/7) AAS
One half of this year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry is awarded to Frances H. Arnold.
In 1993, she conducted the first directed evolution of enzymes, which are proteins that catalyse chemical reactions.
Since then, she has refined the methods that are now routinely used to develop new catalysts.
The uses of Frances Arnold’s enzymes include more environmentally friendly manufacturing of chemical substances, such as pharmaceuticals, and the production of renewable fuels for a greener transport sector.

The other half of this year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry is shared by George P. Smith and Sir Gregory P. Winter.
In 1985, George Smith developed an elegant method known as phage display, where a bacteriophage – a virus that infects bacteria – can be used to evolve new proteins.
Gregory Winter used phage display for the directed evolution of antibodies, with the aim of producing new pharmaceuticals.
The first one based on this method, adalimumab, was approved in 2002 and is used for rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and inflammatory bowel diseases.
Since then, phage display has produced anti-bodies that can neutralise toxins, counteract autoimmune diseases and cure metastatic cancer.

We are in the early days of directed evolution’s revolution which, in many different ways, is bringing and will bring the greatest benefit to humankind.
35: 2018/10/07(日)10:21 ID:DqtCJAim(4/7) AAS
(1): 2018/10/07(日)19:30 ID:DQN6NzrB(1/2) AAS
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