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156: 2019/02/01(金)21:26 ID:n/ZhDsJG(1/5) AAS
The Greatest Showman (2017) Movie Script

The greatest show

Ladies and gents, this is the moment you've waited for. いよいよ開演の時が来た
Been searching in the dark, your sweat soaking through the floor. 闇の中で もがいてた
And buried in your bones there's an ache that you can't ignore. 深い痛みを抱えてた
Taking your breath, stealing your mind. だが深呼吸 ひとつしたら
And all that was real is left behind. そんな現実は遠ざかる
Don't fight it, it's coming for you, running at ya. その瞬間は もう目前
It's only this moment, don't care what comes after. すべて忘れて楽しもう
Your fever dream, can't you see it getting closer. いつか高熱で見た夢さ
157: 2019/02/01(金)21:33 ID:n/ZhDsJG(2/5) AAS
            The other side
Right here, right now I put the offer out. 今ここで申し出をした
I don't want to chase you down. I know you see it. 君を追いかけはしない
You run with me. And I can cut you free. 僕と来れば自由になれる
Out of the drudgery and walls you keep in. つまらない束縛のオリから
So trade that typical for something colorful. 単色をカラフルに変えよう
And if it's crazy, live a little crazy. クレイジーでもいいじゃないか
You can play it sensible, a king of conventional. 良識や慣習も否定しないが
Or you can risk it all and see. 危険を冒す生き方もある
Don't you wanna get away from same old part you gotta play. どうだ逃げたくないか 同じ繰り返しから
158: 2019/02/01(金)21:36 ID:n/ZhDsJG(3/5) AAS
Well, it's intriguing, but to go would cost me greatly. 魅力的だがリスクも高い
So what percentage of the show would I be taking? 僕の取り分は何割だ?

Fair enough, you'd want a piece of all the action. 分け前は渡すとも
I'd give you seven, we could shake and make it happen. 利益の7%で決まりだ

I wasn't born this morning, eighteen would be just fine. 赤ん坊じゃない 18%だ

Why not just go ahead and ask for nickels on the dime? 欲をかくと失敗するぞ

Fifteen. 15%
159: 2019/02/01(金)21:42 ID:n/ZhDsJG(4/5) AAS
                    This is me
I am not a stranger to the dark. 私は暗闇を知ってる
"Hide away," they say. "'Cause we don't want your broken parts" 言われた『隠れてろお前など見たくない』
I've learned to be ashamed of all my scars. 体の傷は恥だと知った
"Run away," they say "No one'll love you as you are." 言われた『消えろ誰もお前など愛さない』
But I won't let them break me down to dust. でも心の誇りは失わない
I know that there's a place for us. 居場所はきっとあるはず
For we are glorious. 輝く私たちのために
When the sharpest words wanna cut me down. 言葉の刃で傷つけるなら
I'm gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out. 洪水を起こして溺れさせる
160: 2019/02/01(金)22:22 ID:n/ZhDsJG(5/5) AAS
The greatest show
Colossal we calm, these renegades in the rain. 巨大なテントの反逆者たち
Where the lost get found and we crown 'em of the circus kings. 蘇った者こそサーカスの王
Don't fight it, it's coming for you, running at ya. その瞬間はもう目前
It's only this moment, don't care what comes after. すべて忘れて楽しもう
It's blindin', outshinin' anything thatcha know. かつてない輝きの時
Just surrender 'cause you're comin 身を委ねよう
and you wanna go. さぁ行きたいか
Where it's covered in all the colored lights. 色とりどりの光の下
Where the runaways are running the night. 夜通し繰り広げられる
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