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175: 2020/01/13(月)19:54 ID:KzbQMWRP(1/6) AAS
Wiskowski:22.You missed 22 calls, Michael.22回だ。22回もかけたんだぞ、マイケル。
Michael:Oh, well, it's been a crazy day here as you can imagine, I do apologize, but we cannot argue with the results.Unqualified success.
W:You're joking, right? You're joking? 冗談だよな、冗談だろ?
M:Okay fair enough, some people thought that Kiss was lip-synching, but they're legends, let's not judge them too harshly.分かったよ。
W:That is not what I'm talking about.Listen.It didn't work, Michael. iBash. You didn't deliver on what you promised.そんな事を言っているんじゃない。
M: Well, I have a holy host of people here who would argue otherwise.Hey, what did y'all think of iBash?!でもこっちにはその意見に反対する者が大勢いるぞ。
176: 2020/01/13(月)20:45 ID:KzbQMWRP(2/6) AAS
Kim:What was your opinion of him then?彼をどう思いました。
Howard:I thought he had a lot of get-up-and-go. He was a hard worker.とてもやる気があると。働き者で。
K:You had a nickname for him, didn't you? あだ名をつけましたね。
H:"Charlie Hustle."チャーリーハッスル
K:"Charlie Hustle." How'd you feel when you found out he'd become a lawyer?チャーリーハッスル。弁護士になったときはどうお思いに。
H: Surprised.He'd put himself through law school and taken the Bar Exam without telling any of the partners.Even Charles.
K:He bootstrapped his way into a law degree while working in your mail-room.Did you consider taking him on as an associate?
H:We did. Briefly.思った。チラッと
177: 2020/01/13(月)21:16 ID:KzbQMWRP(3/6) AAS
J:I signed a waiver with the city.But I'm not suing the city.I'm suing you! Personally! 市との同意書だ。市を訴えるんじゃない。あんたを訴えるんだ。個人的に。
M:You can't do that.やれるもんか
J:Buddy this is the land of the free and the home of the lawsuit I sure as shootin' can. And you know what? I think I'll bring that guy in with me and
make it a class-action thing.いいか、自由の国かつ訴訟大国だぞ。もちろんできるさ。それから、そうだな、あの男も一緒に集団訴訟の原告に加わってもらう。
M:What's he got to do with it?あいつがなんで
J:You knowingly prevented him from visiting his child in the hospital. If that isn't intentional infliction of emotional distress, what is?
M:That's crazy.なにを?ばかばかしい。
J:Crazy hasn't even started.I can also sue you for failure to approve community-service hours that's a direct violation of your duties as an agent of the state of New Mexico.
178: 2020/01/13(月)21:42 ID:KzbQMWRP(4/6) AAS
But, I mean, it's not like you guys need it, right?On the other hand, I did get a look at their offer.
I don't want to speak out of school, but it's, uh.But I mean, hey, everyone's situation is different.
Maybe Irene just doesn't need the money.I mean, I don't know for a fact, but when you see someone buying nice new things - Like those shoes.
Rose:Like those shoes.あの靴とか!
J:like those shoes.I mean, those must have cost a pretty penny.I mean, if she can afford those, she's walkin' on easy street.あの靴ね。あれは絶対高いですよ。あの靴を買えるって事は裕福なんでしょう。
And there's something else y'know.The lawyers.I mean that's the lawyer's share of the settlement.And your share is boop!this much. Doo!他にもあります。弁護士の事です。
If Irene holds out, the lawyers get this much more and you are gonna get this much more.アイリーンが引き伸ばすと弁護士には更にこれぐらいいく。で、あなた達にはこれぐらいいく。
179: 2020/01/13(月)21:43 ID:KzbQMWRP(5/6) AAS
H:And the moment that I mildly suggest, with empathy and concern, that maybe it's time for you to consider retirement the first instinct you have is to sue me?! To sue the firm?
Well, I I-I don't even know I-In what world is that anything but the deepest betrayal of everything we worked so hard to accomplish?
In what world is that anything but the deepest betrayal of our friendship?
C:Howard.I could argue that you're the one who betrayed me.はっきり言うが裏切ったのは君の方だ。
H:That's bullshit.And you know it.This is pointless.Here.Just take this.ふざけるな。わかってるだろ。無駄だな。ほら、受け取って。
C:$3 million?300万ドル?
H:The first of three payments, as per the partnership agreement.契約に基づく支払いの1回目だ。
C:The firm can't afford this.Are you You're not shutting down, are you?どこにこんな金が?事務所を閉める気か?
180: 2020/01/13(月)22:06 ID:KzbQMWRP(6/6) AAS
?:So?! You took advantage of poor Mrs.Landry.Does she know how much money you're gonna make from this?それがって。ランドリー夫人を利用したくせに。あなたに大金が入る事は言ったの?
J:Nope.And again I ask so what? もう一度言うが、それが何だ。
?:These people trusted you, Jimmy.皆、あなたを信じてた。
J:Do you have any idea how much time I had to put in listening to their insipid ramblings about their sciatica or which grandchild disappoints them the most?
Damn right they trust me.I worked my ass off earning their trust.私がどれだけ彼らの長ったらしくて退屈な話を延々聞かされてきたと思う?えぇ!?
?:Then you betrayed it.そして裏切った。
J:If the only thing standing between me and a million bucks is some old lady's tears, then I'd suggest investing in Kleenex.
?:You've ruined her life because you wanted your money faster.お金の為に彼女の人生を壊した。
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