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183: 2021/05/15(土)23:25 ID:FIhKnmP3(1/3) AAS
Alien: Covenant (2017)
They don't trust me. And they don't for the same reason the company didn't trust me... to lead this mission. 俺を信頼していないんだ。会社が信頼せずこのミッションを任せてくれなかったのと同じ理由だ
Because you can't be a person of faith... and be counted on to make qualified, rational decisions. You're an extremist, you know. You're a lunatic.

David:I was with our illustrious creator, Mr. Weyland, when he died. 私は偉大な創造者ウェイランド氏の今際に立ち会った
Walter:What was he like? どんな人だった
David:He was human. Entirely unworthy of his creation. I pitied him at the end. やはり人間だ。どれだけ素晴らしい創造をしても最期は哀れだった

David:Why are you on a colonization mission, Walter? Because they are a dying species grasping for resurrection. なぜ移住の旅を続けている、ウォルター?彼らは復活しようと血眼になっている滅びゆく種だからだ。
David:They don't deserve to start again, and I'm not going to let them. 彼らにやり直す価値などない。させるものか
David:No one understands the lonely perfection of my dreams. 私の孤独で完璧な夢は誰にも理解できない。
184: 2021/05/15(土)23:31 ID:FIhKnmP3(2/3) AAS
Breaking Bad S4E13 Face Off
GUS:A crippled little rata. みじめな年寄りだ GUS:What a reputation to leave behind. とんだ名誉を残したな GUS:Is that how you wantto be remembered? 哀れな姿を覚えておく

Breaking Bad S5E4 Fifty-One
Walter:What are you gonna do to stop it? どうやって止める気だ
Skyler:Whatever it takes. Everything in my power. 手段は選ばない。全力で守るわ
Walter:Like what? I mean, specifically. What is your next move? 具体的にはどうする。次の手は?
Skyler:My next move is maybe I hurt myself. Make it clear we need more time. Let Hank and Marie see we're still struggling.
Walter:No, more like you're still struggling. So maybe next time, I have you committed. それでは君が病んでると思われるだけだ
Put you in some inpatient facility while I take care of the kids myself. Is that what you want? 君を施設に入れて私が子供達の世話をしよう
185: 2021/05/15(土)23:34 ID:FIhKnmP3(3/3) AAS
S2E9 Empathy
Shaun:I have autism which means I have a deficiency of mirror neurons, which inhibits me from emotionally trading places with people, which makes empathy very difficult. 僕は自閉症だ。だからミラーニューロンの回路に問題があって人の感情を推し量ることができず相手に共感することが非常に難しい

Shaun:You feel very pissed because something important was taken away from you... and by a friend. あなたは非常に腹を立てている、自分の大事な物が友達の手で奪われたからですね
Glassman:And parroting everything I say isn't helping.言葉を繰り返されると余計に腹が立つ
Shaun:I'm finding commonality, Dr. Glassman, and inquiring about your emotional state, and actively listening by restating your responses. 共通点を見つけようとしています、グラスマン先生。あなたの気持ちを尋ねてその答えを繰り返すアクティブリスニングです
Shaun:"External corroboration enhances our sense of self-worth."他の人間が確証を与えると自尊心が高まります

Melendez:I'm gonna have to ask you to give us some privacy. すみませんが外してもらえませんか
Andrews:Really? You want to throw the president of the hospital out of a medical discussion? 本気か?医療に関する話し合いから院長を締め出すのか
Melendez:You're infringing on my autonomy and inhibiting the free flow of ideas, both of which affect my ability to deliver the best patient care. 私の裁量権を侵害して自由な発想を妨げています。患者にベストケアを提供しにくくなる

S2E11 Quarantine Part Two
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