メトロイドプライムダークエコーズ 攻略スレッド (189レス)

159: 2019/02/01(金)21:42 ID:n/ZhDsJG(4/5) AAS
                    This is me
I am not a stranger to the dark. 私は暗闇を知ってる
"Hide away," they say. "'Cause we don't want your broken parts" 言われた『隠れてろお前など見たくない』
I've learned to be ashamed of all my scars. 体の傷は恥だと知った
"Run away," they say "No one'll love you as you are." 言われた『消えろ誰もお前など愛さない』
But I won't let them break me down to dust. でも心の誇りは失わない
I know that there's a place for us. 居場所はきっとあるはず
For we are glorious. 輝く私たちのために
When the sharpest words wanna cut me down. 言葉の刃で傷つけるなら
I'm gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out. 洪水を起こして溺れさせる
160: 2019/02/01(金)22:22 ID:n/ZhDsJG(5/5) AAS
The greatest show
Colossal we calm, these renegades in the rain. 巨大なテントの反逆者たち
Where the lost get found and we crown 'em of the circus kings. 蘇った者こそサーカスの王
Don't fight it, it's coming for you, running at ya. その瞬間はもう目前
It's only this moment, don't care what comes after. すべて忘れて楽しもう
It's blindin', outshinin' anything thatcha know. かつてない輝きの時
Just surrender 'cause you're comin 身を委ねよう
and you wanna go. さぁ行きたいか
Where it's covered in all the colored lights. 色とりどりの光の下
Where the runaways are running the night. 夜通し繰り広げられる
161: 2019/02/02(土)00:00 ID:Q8JBh1MY(1/2) AAS
Jingle All the Way (1996) Movie Script

It's Christmas Eve and you're slaving over a hot stove. "Mom of the Year."
And modest too.しかも謙虚ときてる。
Looks like you could use some "you time."リズ、少しは自分の時間を持ってリラックスするんだ。
Go upstairs, take a bath.2階に上がってシャワーでも浴びるといい。
I'll watch the boys, finish up with the cookies.子供とクッキーは僕に任せてくれ。
Go on. You deserve it.いいんだって。休むんだ。働き過ぎだよ。
I know, sugar cookies.分かってる。
Bake 1 2 to 1 5 minutes...till golden brown.12分から15分でこんがり焼き上がったらオーブンから出すんだろ
162: 2019/02/02(土)00:04 ID:Q8JBh1MY(2/2) AAS
you can also treat as nothing the testimony of her lover, Larry, who told you what kind of woman she is.
And you can treat as nothing the testimony of the bartender, Jesse, who told you that she was so drunk, she could barely stand.
And you can treat as nothing the testimony of her friend, Sally, who told you Miss Tobias's intentions when she first saw our clients.
Our case does not depend on those witnesses, just as The People's case does not depend on Sarah Tobias. The People's case depends on Kenneth Joyce.
If you believe him, you'll convict those three men. And if you don't, you'll acquit them.
163: 2019/02/06(水)23:54 ID:BEhV7fQL(1) AAS
This man would notice things other people wouldn't."
Do you believe that Kenneth Joyce saw something those three men didn't see?
In all the time that Sarah Tobias was held down on that pinball machine, the others didn't know?
Kenneth Joyce confessed to you ケンは認めました。
that he watched a rape and did nothing. レイプを見て止めなかったと。
He told you that everyone in that bar behaved badly.彼が述べたように
And he's right.あの夜の男達の行動は恥ずべきものです。
164: 2019/02/07(木)00:10 ID:/EGgGM9d(1/3) AAS


165: 2019/02/07(木)00:46 ID:/EGgGM9d(2/3) AAS
166: 2019/02/07(木)00:54 ID:/EGgGM9d(3/3) AAS
IV: You have the right to change your mind.

V: You have the right to make mistakes—and be responsible for them.
167: 2019/04/02(火)19:49 ID:VEIYDmve(1/3) AAS
Awakenings (1990) Movie Script

Excuse me, you are looking for someone with a clinical background.お話中申し訳ない。いや、あのつまり、そちらでは臨床の経験者をお求めだと分かりました。
As much as I need a job, there must be 100 more suitable applicants.この仕事は諦めます。他に適任者が大勢いると思いますので。

What is it that you want?我々に何か希望があるそうで。 The simplest thing.簡単なことです。
And that is?例えば? To go for a walk if I want to,like any normal person.普通の人と同じように好きなとき自由に散歩したいんです。
You are free to go for a walk.散歩するのは自由だが。 I am? Alone?例えば?一人で?
What difference would it make?付き添いは必要だと思う。 Look, I am not a criminal.I have committed no crime,
I am not a danger to myself or others.犯罪者じゃない。僕は危険じゃない。人に危害を加えることもない。
But I am not allowed to walk by myself.なのに一人での外出を禁じられる。これは不合理だ。
You did not wake a thing, you woke a person ... I am a person.僕を目覚めさせたのはあなた方だ。責任を持ってほしい。
168: 2019/04/02(火)20:03 ID:VEIYDmve(2/3) AAS
The summer was extraordinary. A season of rebirth and innocence. A miracle.素晴らしい夏でした。命の蘇りと無垢な喜びに満ちた奇跡の夏でした。
Fifteen patients and for us,their caretakers.15人の患者とその家族とスタッフにとって。 But now, we have to adjust to the realities of miracles.しかし奇跡の後に重い現実が襲ってきました。
We can hide behind science and say it was the drug that failed.科学のベールに隠れ薬のせいにすることもできます。Or that the illness itself had returned.病気がぶり返したと説明することも。
Or the patients unable to cope with losing decades of their lives.患者が失われた歳月に対応できなかったとして逃げる事も可能です。
The reality is we do not know what went wrong or what went right.しかし実際には、何が正しく何が間違ったかは我々にも謎なのです。
What we do know is as the chemical window closed another awakening took place.一つ幸いなのは、薬による目覚めに代わって、人々の心の目覚めがあった事です。
The human spirit is more powerful than any drug.人間の持つ優しさは、どんな薬にも勝る良薬なのです。That is what needs to be nourished.その心こそ大切にすべきです。
With work, play, friendship, family.仕事、遊び、友情、家庭。These are the things that matter.これもまた大切です。This is what we had forgotten.改めて思い出しましょう。The simplest things.小さなぬくもりを。

The Diary of Anne Frank (1959)

I love you, Father. I don't love anyone but you.愛してる。好きなのはパパだけ。It's true. You're the only one I love.本当よ。パパだけ。I've been thinking about it for a long time.ずっとそう思ってたの。
169: 2019/04/02(火)21:40 ID:VEIYDmve(3/3) AAS
You know, we shouldn't forget that not so long ago there were literally almost no more fish left in the ocean.いいかね。まだ記憶に新しいが一時、魚が絶滅する危機に陥った。
And half the world's population faced a very real threat of hunger.世界の半分が飢えの恐怖におののいた大問題だ。
Our cloning technology helped turn that around.だがクローンテクノロジーがそれを救った。
The extremists don't like to admit that they'd rather the world went hungry than eat cloned fish. So instead they keep yelling about human cloning.
Do you think the human cloning laws should be changed?あなたはシックスデイ法を改正すべきと?
Suppose a ten-year-old boy lies in a hospital bed dying of liver cancer.仮に10歳の少年が肝臓ガンで入院したとする。 Thanks to dr. Weir's work, we can save that boy.博士のクローン臓器によって少年は救われる。
Now, in the next bed lies another ten-year-old boy whose parents love him just as much.隣のベッドに同じく10歳の少年、同じく両親に愛されている。
Only this child has an inoperable brain tumor. Now, you cannot clone a brain.しかしその子の病名は脳腫瘍だ。脳だけはクローンができない。The only way to save him would be to clone the whole person.救うにはクローン人間しかない。
How do you tell that boy's parents that we can save the first boy, その時、誰が両親に言えるのか。肝臓ガンの子は救える。
170: 2019/04/09(火)00:22 ID:YJ69hAOf(1) AAS

171: 2019/12/29(日)01:24 ID:qN2LdyPn(1/2) AAS
自分の都合を押しつける人 著:片田珠美
172: 2019/12/29(日)01:50 ID:qN2LdyPn(2/2) AAS
173: 2020/01/11(土)05:53 ID:kYR/TzcT(1/2) AAS
ロバート・ケネディ キング牧師追悼演説「I have some very sad news for all of you, Martin Luther King was shot and was killed tonight in Memphis, Tennessee.
For those of you who are black and are tempted to be filled with hatred and mistrust of the injustice of such an act, against all white people, I would only
say that I can also feel in my own heart the same kind of feeling. I had a member of my family killed, but he was killed by a white man. But we have to make an
effort in the United States, we have to make an effort to understand, to get beyond these rather difficult times. My favorite poet was Aeschylus. He once wrote:
"Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful
grace of God." We can do well in this country. We will have difficult times. We've had difficult times in the past. And we will have difficult times in the future.
Let us dedicate ourselves to what the Greeks wrote so many years ago: to tame the savageness of man and make gentle the life of this world.
Let us dedicate ourselves to that,」皆さんにとても悲しい知らせがあります。キング牧師が射殺されました。黒人の皆さんはこのような不正義を行った全白人に対して
174: 2020/01/11(土)06:14 ID:kYR/TzcT(2/2) AAS
MICHAEL: That's quite a story. And here I thought we'd come to an understanding the other day, about your limitations.
BARRY: Okay, well you know what? Despite my limitations, I was able to see that our whole company is built around modifying
an existing program from the biggest company in the world! It's completely illegal and just wrong.
You know, I was genuinely excited about being a part this, something completely new, but nothing here makes sense anymore. Nothing.
MICHAEL: You know the thing about a germ, Barry? ばい菌の事は詳しいか?A small thing really.小さくて他愛もない物だ。Can't even see it with the naked eye.
You can wipe it away with your sleeve and not even know it.肉眼で見えないし袖で拭き取っても気づく事もない。But if you don't wipe it out, it spreads.
でも拭き取らなければ広がるんだ。It divides.分裂する。And soon it infects not only one, but many.感染した時には1つじゃない。沢山いる。It becomes like water
175: 2020/01/13(月)19:54 ID:KzbQMWRP(1/6) AAS
Wiskowski:22.You missed 22 calls, Michael.22回だ。22回もかけたんだぞ、マイケル。
Michael:Oh, well, it's been a crazy day here as you can imagine, I do apologize, but we cannot argue with the results.Unqualified success.
W:You're joking, right? You're joking? 冗談だよな、冗談だろ?
M:Okay fair enough, some people thought that Kiss was lip-synching, but they're legends, let's not judge them too harshly.分かったよ。
W:That is not what I'm talking about.Listen.It didn't work, Michael. iBash. You didn't deliver on what you promised.そんな事を言っているんじゃない。
M: Well, I have a holy host of people here who would argue otherwise.Hey, what did y'all think of iBash?!でもこっちにはその意見に反対する者が大勢いるぞ。
176: 2020/01/13(月)20:45 ID:KzbQMWRP(2/6) AAS
Kim:What was your opinion of him then?彼をどう思いました。
Howard:I thought he had a lot of get-up-and-go. He was a hard worker.とてもやる気があると。働き者で。
K:You had a nickname for him, didn't you? あだ名をつけましたね。
H:"Charlie Hustle."チャーリーハッスル
K:"Charlie Hustle." How'd you feel when you found out he'd become a lawyer?チャーリーハッスル。弁護士になったときはどうお思いに。
H: Surprised.He'd put himself through law school and taken the Bar Exam without telling any of the partners.Even Charles.
K:He bootstrapped his way into a law degree while working in your mail-room.Did you consider taking him on as an associate?
H:We did. Briefly.思った。チラッと
177: 2020/01/13(月)21:16 ID:KzbQMWRP(3/6) AAS
J:I signed a waiver with the city.But I'm not suing the city.I'm suing you! Personally! 市との同意書だ。市を訴えるんじゃない。あんたを訴えるんだ。個人的に。
M:You can't do that.やれるもんか
J:Buddy this is the land of the free and the home of the lawsuit I sure as shootin' can. And you know what? I think I'll bring that guy in with me and
make it a class-action thing.いいか、自由の国かつ訴訟大国だぞ。もちろんできるさ。それから、そうだな、あの男も一緒に集団訴訟の原告に加わってもらう。
M:What's he got to do with it?あいつがなんで
J:You knowingly prevented him from visiting his child in the hospital. If that isn't intentional infliction of emotional distress, what is?
M:That's crazy.なにを?ばかばかしい。
J:Crazy hasn't even started.I can also sue you for failure to approve community-service hours that's a direct violation of your duties as an agent of the state of New Mexico.
178: 2020/01/13(月)21:42 ID:KzbQMWRP(4/6) AAS
But, I mean, it's not like you guys need it, right?On the other hand, I did get a look at their offer.
I don't want to speak out of school, but it's, uh.But I mean, hey, everyone's situation is different.
Maybe Irene just doesn't need the money.I mean, I don't know for a fact, but when you see someone buying nice new things - Like those shoes.
Rose:Like those shoes.あの靴とか!
J:like those shoes.I mean, those must have cost a pretty penny.I mean, if she can afford those, she's walkin' on easy street.あの靴ね。あれは絶対高いですよ。あの靴を買えるって事は裕福なんでしょう。
And there's something else y'know.The lawyers.I mean that's the lawyer's share of the settlement.And your share is boop!this much. Doo!他にもあります。弁護士の事です。
If Irene holds out, the lawyers get this much more and you are gonna get this much more.アイリーンが引き伸ばすと弁護士には更にこれぐらいいく。で、あなた達にはこれぐらいいく。
あと 11 レスあります
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