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(1): 385 [sage_teoff] 2016/09/11(日)11:22 ID:tILA70OI(5/7) AAS
!!!!!    e0076_
       ``I said I felt that what we should look for were
      great syntheses that were emerging today, that were
      highly interdisciplinary,'' says Gell-Mann. Some were
      already well on their way: Molecular biology.
      Nonlinear science. Cognitive science. But surely there
      were other emerging syntheses out there, he said, and
      this new institute should seek them out.
       By all means, he added, choose topics that could be
      helped along by these huge, big, rapid computers that
      people were talking about---not only because we can
      use the machines for modeling, but also because these
      machines themselves were examples of complex systems.
      Nick and Gian-Carlo were perfectly correct: computers
      might very well turn out to be part of such a
      synthesis. But don't put blinders on before you start.
      If you're going to do this at all, he concluded,
      do it right.
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