[過去ログ] Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 213 (1002レス)
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(1): (JP 0H6a-1jLk) 2019/10/18(金)03:08 ID:5MARWg2LH(1/2) AAS
I'm British myself and I can proudly inform you that the Cockney accent is almost extinct outside of TV and Movies.
It exists mainly as a stereotype for portraying low class characters. RP/BBC English isn't common either but
most people in the South-East of England speak something relatively close to it (including myself).
The 'holiday resort' people you mentioned are usually low class people from the North, who tend to have more idiosyncratic accents.

I hope you gents had a safe time during the Typhoon.
(1): (JP 0H6a-1jLk) 2019/10/18(金)20:12 ID:5MARWg2LH(2/2) AAS
Yep, I'm going to watch it but I've mostly been supporting Japan and Wales. Wales has a much better energy and atmosphere,
since it's such a small country, whilst I'm fond of Japan as a country and the team has been spectacular so far. Underdogs are usually more
fun to root for than big countries with big teams, like England.
(3): (JP 0H6a-1jLk) 2019/10/22(火)19:37 ID:gZ3SalQyH(1) AAS
nice try lad but i'm a real native speaker and you're obviously not

excellent, nobody would know you weren't a native speaker if all your sentences were like this
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