[過去ログ] Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 213 (1002レス)
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(1): (ワッチョイ 8f65-roNU) 2019/10/26(土)15:35 ID:c9Ccd5xg0(1/9) AAS
About the howdy guy's use of the word "idiom",
755 only described it as "slightly off", so I imagine it's not so strange for a native speaker to make such a mistake, just like how some (or maybe many) people in Japan probably don't know the exact definition of the word 慣用句 (idiom).

Also, his use of the word 和製英語 could indicate a hint of aggression, and people often make mistakes (or don't care much about the detail) when they are angry/annoyed.
(Although I don't think he's the type of person who gets angry over some stupid, or rather comical, argument.)

Lastly, since 755 didn't mention the last sentence at all, I assume there is nothing wrong with that sentence.

I feel kinda stupid writing this because the howdy guy has posted a couple more posts after 764 and I think it's clear that he is a native speaker.
(2): (アウアウエーT Sadf-WsQ1) 2019/10/26(土)15:43 ID:McHD39GHa(2/8) AAS
So, you are apparently the "howdy" guy.
Your argument, apparently motivated by supporting yourself, totally makes no sense.
According to your weird claim, I could very easily pass off as a native speaker lol
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