[過去ログ] Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 213 (1002レス)
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(1): (ワッチョイ 92b8-V+wO) 2019/10/20(日)23:50 ID:daoPQBf80(10/10) AAS
oh I'm sory I must discribe "discribe it".When I refer to "discraibe it" I am
speaking more broadly. I'm talking about your attitude or your original idea
that is driven more strongly by curiousity than by fear.
Your ambiguity and criticism seems to be caused by the feelings of fear.
In other words, isn't it because of lack of courage?
687: (アウアウエーT Saaa-9H6v) 2019/10/21(月)00:02 ID:LJ3vkNkGa(1) AAS
Full of gibberish!
Probably, you are mentally ill lol
Good junior high school students will make much better sentences.
You should reflect on yourself and improve your poor English skills.
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