[過去ログ] Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 213 (1002レス)
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(1): 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 (CA 0Hcf-eoat) 2019/10/19(土)10:58 ID:fe/svV1ZH(1/3) AAS
There are actually a lot of native speakers who are so dumb that it would take them even longer to read an article like that, so don't be so hard on yourself. Your ability to read will only improve with practice.

I agree. Like, Japan offers the JLPT (日本語能力試験) test (of which I've passed the highest level) which I find to be completely stupid because the Japanese presented on that test is so unnatural and artificial.
It's all "textbook" Japanese which you NEVER encounter in real life.
I assume that standardized English tests are the same way.
If they really wanted to challenge us, they would ask us to listen to old people speaking Japanese,
because they're actually hard to understand.
The Japanese in the JLPT is all crisp, perfectly-enunciated "announcer" Japanese which is completely comprehensible to anyone who's spent more than a couple years studying.
Even a children's anime is harder to understand than the Japanese in the JLPT.
643: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 (CA 0Hcf-eoat) 2019/10/19(土)11:17 ID:fe/svV1ZH(2/3) AAS
Sorry, I meant to reply only to >>430.

Contrary to >>439 I think that learning from "for native by native" material is actually the most efficient way to acquire language.

The language in these shows is not "dumbed down" to accommodate non-native speakers,
so if you imitate their language, you will sound native and natural, for the most part.
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