[過去ログ] Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 213 (1002レス)
抽出解除 レス栞

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(1): (ワッチョイ 46e3-XrkK) 2019/09/25(水)04:03 ID:3AL2P1Bt0(1/2) AAS
Cheer up, man. Just take a look at your ID!
ID: fCjbckgS0
-> fC ck jbgs0 (Move “jb”)
-> fu ck jbgs0 (Rotate “C” by 90 degrees)
-> fu ck j0b gs (Rearrange)
Finally, remove the “g” and the “s”, because they are the first characters of “grief” and “sadness”, which are the feelings you want to get rid of.
-> fuck j0b
See? You don’t have to be so sad. In the first place, LABOR IS SHIT!
(2): (ワッチョイW 619d-CYGD) 2019/09/25(水)17:49 ID:fCjbckgS0(2/3) AAS
I’m so angry because I’m super qualified for the job but I got denied?! Maybe I’m too qualified for the combini job. I have a master’s degree and some English skills and have an overseas sales.

Maybe the interviewer was jealous or something.
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