[過去ログ] Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 213 (1002レス)
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(1): (スプッッ Sd82-E2fJ) 2019/09/24(火)14:01 ID:EDtPEXy7d(1) AAS
Thane Camus and Dave spector are excellent. But they both learned from they were children. Children learn language faster than adults.

I checked out how Peter Barakan learned Japanese. He learned Japanese at the college maybe 4years. But he couldn't speak Japanese when he graduated.

After he came to Japan, He learned from TV drama and conversation.
(1): 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 (CA 0H69-Dkz/) 2019/09/24(火)14:05 ID:sGonzLr8H(12/15) AAS
Interesting. I've heard that Dave Spector has an obvious foreign accent, whereas Thane Camus sounds like a native speaker. Am I wrong?
I am trying to learn from TV drama, anime, and YouTube. And after 3 years, I can read and understand almost all of it. But I can't speak yet.
I think mostly I am just too embarrassed to try.

But since my original goal was just "understanding" rather than "speaking", I am very happy. I will try to keep it up and hope that I can reach Peter Barkan's level someday.
After all, he's been living in Japan for at least 20 years before I was even born, so I think I should give myself that sort of time to catch up (*´∀`*)
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