[過去ログ] Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 213 (1002レス)
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(1): (アウアウエーT Saaa-9H6v) 2019/10/21(月)20:02 ID:BPhe43vta(1/3) AAS
To me, the 689 guy seems to have better command of English than you do.
The adjective phrase "sentence-building" is completely acceptable and way better than the expression you have suggested.
You are apparently not capable of giving any advice to someone who is much better at English.
701: (アウアウエーT Saaa-9H6v) 2019/10/21(月)22:40 ID:BPhe43vta(2/3) AAS
You are apparently a bogus "native speaker."
The >>689 sentence has no problem in every aspect.
And there is no need to use a grammatical term because the 689 guy states nothing about grammatical issues, regarding "sentence building capabilities."
The 696 comment is apparently made by a Japanese who has poor command of English.
This guy has self-proclaimed himself as a "native speaker" in the hope of gaining the upper hand.
Well, as for the sentence made by 689, there is no 和製英語.
So specifically point out any 和製英語, hmm, if your could lol
Your use of the word "standard" is totally wrong.
702: (アウアウエーT Saaa-9H6v) 2019/10/21(月)22:47 ID:BPhe43vta(3/3) AAS
A correction: every→any
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