[過去ログ] Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 213 (1002レス)
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106: (アウアウエーT Sa7f-HuMN) 2019/09/13(金)09:46:57.86 ID:0pugULjca(3/4) AAS
if those cars were used for emergency purposes (to suppliment ambulances and fire rescue)
they should make loud warning sounds with sirens or ask for other car's cooperation through loudspeakers or microphones.

i think those young ish parents must take better care of their children.
the children will have a difficulty breaking the bad habit when they begin to go to school.
(1): (ニククエ Sd7f-0qix) 2019/09/29(日)20:05:45.86 ID:I1WMAPVcdNIKU(1) AAS
There is only one person. But he has many ID.

October is coming soon. I can go out. 6month ago, I went to Moomin valley park. But it was a small park.

Btw I eat pumpkin cream pie in this season every year.
389: (アウアウエーT Sa1f-+BGV) 2019/10/01(火)00:46:30.86 ID:H8yvb99Za(1) AAS
flashlights attached at the front of bicycles cast so bright lights
that they almost always dazzle me.
477: (スフッ Sd0a-5aN3) 2019/10/05(土)23:51:32.86 ID:b8IDIyucd(1) AAS
Cold oily noodle is capellini.
560: (スプッッ Sd3f-qqkI) 2019/10/12(土)18:02:38.86 ID:6Wdewnhld(1) AAS
Kawara is dangerous. There are lots of flat roof in Okinawa and Tohoku area. Tohoku is like that because of snow maybe. Residents in Chiba prefecture would be better change it.
608: (ワッチョイW 979d-mT29) 2019/10/15(火)19:31:44.86 ID:m9neH+PL0(1) AAS
Make sure you use a training belt and stuff because it’s very important not to get injured.
653: (スプッッ Sd52-9r8a) 2019/10/19(土)20:16:43.86 ID:JE19noqhd(1) AAS

I'm Japanese. I hope school teach them dairy conversation.
815: (スフッ Sd1f-cdox) 2019/10/28(月)00:24:50.86 ID:FF5wlCG0d(1) AAS
I've been to 99cent shop.
821: (ワッチョイ 8f65-roNU) 2019/10/28(月)21:08:21.86 ID:hpI/7XEs0(1/2) AAS
Fuck Abe Jimin.
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