[過去ログ] Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 213 (1002レス)
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309: (スプッッ Sd7b-0qix) 2019/09/26(木)03:12:45.06 ID:PJY4YR/jd(1) AAS
I hope you visit. (*ゝ・ω・*)ノ
(1): (アウアウエーT Sadf-Sgpv) 2019/10/13(日)20:36:28.06 ID:AgfEvOsla(1) AAS
I have found it extremely difficult to answer grammatical questions on Japanese language on a forum primarily dedicated to Anglophone learners of the language.
In fact, it's way easier to answer questions on English than those on my mother tongue.
This may sound weird, given most people blindly assume they are an expert of their first language.
The truth is, however, that you can relatively easily make your mark with your acquired foreign language, while struggling to do the same on your native language.
In my case, I am totally incapable of giving any effective advice on Japanese grammatical questions, eventually forced to raise the white flag.
As it turned out, Japanese native speakers, with no special training, have no arsenal of knowledge regarding grammar.
So what is the moral of this tale?
You should be better off learning English from a fellow Japanese teacher, rather than a native speaker.
587: (ワッチョイ 7f65-8cCB) 2019/10/14(月)00:24:17.06 ID:8MDLkyhy0(2/6) AAS
Greta Thunberg is a mentally ill 16 year old who is misguided by crooked adults.
Abe is like a 60 year old retard who is willingly obeying crooked adults. Fucking pathetic dog.
658: (CA 0Hcf-eoat) 2019/10/19(土)23:58:38.06 ID:fe/svV1ZH(3/3) AAS
yo wtf, that's racist. i'm calling the cops
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