[過去ログ] Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 213 (1002レス)
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22: (ワッチョイW 819d-GBYD) 2019/09/08(日)00:12:41.03 ID:RfmMTHyw0(1/7) AAS
I want a big body. I wanna be a bodybuilder.
33: (ワッチョイ c270-kyym) 2019/09/08(日)00:50:34.03 ID:48CGCaZy0(9/9) AAS
all japanese children are chiidren of 天皇。
to abuse a japanese child is to abuse a child of 天皇陛下。
(1): (ワッチョイW c79d-8Iv7) 2019/09/27(金)01:54:41.03 ID:R7p8tx+u0(1) AAS
Carrying your bottle is more economical.

Recently I’ve been saving money by carrying onigiri and my bottle.
376: (スプッッ Sd7b-0qix) 2019/09/30(月)17:05:41.03 ID:kGfCIFiHd(1) AAS
You can imitate phrases of native speakers in 4channel.
557: (スプッッ Sd3f-qqkI) 2019/10/12(土)16:40:04.03 ID:OzmAjFtEd(1) AAS
20years ago, I almost fly due to typhoon on the street. But today I can't even hear wind sound.
588: (ワッチョイ 7f65-8cCB) 2019/10/14(月)01:41:54.03 ID:8MDLkyhy0(3/6) AAS
Abe nominated Trump for the Nobel peace prize, and he has also been acting like the President's buddy since the beginning of his presidency.
So I must warn America. It has come to the conclusion that the Ugly Dog Abe is a full-fledged deceiver.
(5): (CA 0H87-IShq) 2019/10/25(金)08:52:12.03 ID:BvOtAwduH(1/3) AAS
This looks fine, but my only criticism would be to not get sloppy about punctuation.
Nobody cares in casual situations like this, but if you're ever in a situation where you need to write formally for any reason,
you'll definitely need to use proper capitalization.
That said, it's hard to judge your abilities from a single sentence alone.

Their usage of the word "idiom" is slightly off. Idioms are phrases like "piece of cake" or "beat around the bush"
whose actual meanings aren't clear from the words alone.
Think of ことわざ like 馬が合う and that's basically what idioms are.
It doesn't make sense to call "sentence construction" an idiom, because the meaning is clear-cut and literal.
(3): (CA 0H87-IShq) 2019/10/26(土)12:25:57.03 ID:S66UoEO/H(1/2) AAS
Your English is really good. Practically flawless, even. Nice.

However, I would say that there's nothing wrong with saying "the standard idiom" instead of "a standard idiom".
They're both correct, but have very slightly different nuances.

I will try to explain it as best as I can.
Let's say we have two phrases: for example, "kill two birds with one stone" and "kill two pigeons with one rock".
Of these two, "kill two birds with one stone" is "the" standard idiom we use in English.
Using "the" here carries the nuance of specifically singling out one specific item while excluding the other.

It's also correct to say that "kill two birds with one stone" is "a" standard idiom,
but it doesn't carry quite the same nuance of specifically excluding another possibility.
906: (アウアウエーT Sadf-vu2g) 2019/10/30(水)22:40:39.03 ID:bf3wXGuHa(4/5) AAS
i don't know how to use free public wifi and i always check internet websites with my portable wifi device.
i heard that there are some bad people who try to access other people's devices in an inappropriate way through public wifi.
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