[過去ログ] Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 213 (1002レス)

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(5): (CA 0H87-IShq) 2019/10/25(金)08:52 ID:BvOtAwduH(1/3) AAS
This looks fine, but my only criticism would be to not get sloppy about punctuation.
Nobody cares in casual situations like this, but if you're ever in a situation where you need to write formally for any reason,
you'll definitely need to use proper capitalization.
That said, it's hard to judge your abilities from a single sentence alone.

Their usage of the word "idiom" is slightly off. Idioms are phrases like "piece of cake" or "beat around the bush"
whose actual meanings aren't clear from the words alone.
Think of ことわざ like 馬が合う and that's basically what idioms are.
It doesn't make sense to call "sentence construction" an idiom, because the meaning is clear-cut and literal.
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