[過去ログ] Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 213 (1002レス)

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(3): (ワッチョイ 27f6-srNF) 2019/10/02(水)23:32 ID:4jOab79U0(1) AAS
My English is considered to be great as I passed Eiken Grade 1, which is an
English test that measures English proficiency and is known only in Japan diffirent
from other English tests like TOEFL, TOEIC and ILETS.

And it took 10 minutes to read the article about the Babymetal and I looked up
words on online dictionary a few times. I think I understand the article 80% or so. That's
partly because of my lack of English proficiency and partly because I'm not
familiar with the Metal thingy. I have to admit I have lost the passion to improve my
English any more so I don't care if my English doesn't show any sign of improvement.

One thing is for sure. Whatever foreign language you start learning, the farther
you go, the harder you find it to recognize your improvement. And it's almost
impossible to reach the native speakers' levels as long as you aren't either grown up
in a bilingual family or raised in a foreign country where your target language is
spoken. C'est la vie.
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