[過去ログ] Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 213 (1002レス)

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43: 外人 (CAWW 0H15-pyDU) 2019/09/08(日)05:01 ID:y9NevSAsH(2/4) AAS
Correction, CPC for my whole spiel.

Also, just wondering if you just default to sage on the board? Don't wanna be too annoying.
(1): (スフッ Sd62-nA0h) 2019/09/08(日)07:04 ID:RLdeQCsad(1) AAS
Hi. I learn English because I want to watche English videos without subtitle.
(1): 外人 (CAWW 0H15-pyDU) 2019/09/08(日)07:07 ID:y9NevSAsH(3/4) AAS
Cool! What kind of videos do you want to watch? North american dramas? Cartoons? Youtube videos?

I'm wanting to learn Japanese because when I graduate from university I wanna visit Japan for 3 weeks.
46: 外人 (CAWW 0H15-pyDU) 2019/09/08(日)07:31 ID:y9NevSAsH(4/4) AAS

Thought I should add my two cents to this.
Sugar activates the same receptors in the brain that cocain and heroin do.
We evolved as a species to seek out sugar because that's energy. Berries, fruit, etc. all have sugar.
Only reason why pure sugar is still legal is because there's money to be made.

High fructose corn syrup is also sugar, but is metabolized differently then cane/beat sugar. It's probably the main reason why americans are getting as fat as they are.
We're all sugar addicts. Such is the current plight of humanity.
(1): (スフッ Sd62-nA0h) 2019/09/08(日)07:36 ID:vHi7m8CGd(1) AAS
YouTube videos. I watch travel videos. I can see beautiful city and beach in the world. I also watch restaurants reviews.
(1): 外人 (ワッチョイWW 863d-pyDU) 2019/09/08(日)08:44 ID:yld4ZIFS0(1) AAS
Which food reviewers do you watch?
The meme that is Guy Fieri? Or someone a bit more ameture?
(1): (スフッ Sd62-nA0h) 2019/09/08(日)12:26 ID:VVfjIJVId(1) AAS
I type words as best pancakes, hamburger, coffee into search box. I don't have any specific youtuber I watch regularly.

Why are you interested in Japan? Are you anime fan? Is that your first time to go abroad?
(1): 外人 (ワッチョイ 093b-wxDY) 2019/09/08(日)13:14 ID:ER1Czn7J0(4/4) AAS
I visited the US twice and Germany 3 times throughout the last decade.
Visiting Japan would be the first time going somewhere in the world alone for me.

I'm somewhat of a weeb--been doing some Gunpla and finished a Zaku II--but the language, culture, and landscapes interest me too.
Shinto temples, Mt.Fuji, various cities with it's huge metropolitan landscape, and the countrysides in between.
I'm not full-on crazy like some foreigners are, but it'd be a nice change in destination for a vacation.

If you like chatting about food and don't mind using imageboards, 4chan has a food&cooking board if you want to use that to
improve your English. The memes and colloquial might be a bit jarring at first, but I think I had that same situation with browsing 2channel.
51: (スフッ Sd62-nA0h) 2019/09/08(日)14:29 ID:SDH2Q0HQd(1) AAS
Many non native English speakers use 4channel. But their English seem almost perfect. I'll try I got much better.

I live in Tokyo. I like Koube and Hokkaido in Japan. It's beautiful as Japan.
(1): (ワッチョイ 82d4-kyym) 2019/09/09(月)01:53 ID:l6lrXv1G0(1/2) AAS
Hello everyone. I am 横になっている on the futon now. And my laptop PC stand by side on floor of my room and I watching 5ch by it.
53: (ワッチョイW 819d-2buT) 2019/09/09(月)02:39 ID:nDfdJFyL0(1/6) AAS
Oh you are a futon person. Interesting.
54: (スフッ Sd62-nA0h) 2019/09/09(月)02:44 ID:nVAnfTEId(1) AAS
Autumn came. I bought a black pork steam bun at the family mart.
(1): (ワッチョイW 819d-2buT) 2019/09/09(月)02:50 ID:nDfdJFyL0(2/6) AAS
No. It’s still hot. So I want to eat もつ鍋.
(1): (スフッ Sd62-nA0h) 2019/09/09(月)03:28 ID:X+gyMJ15d(1) AAS
Sounds like fluffy.

Sounds like winter (^_^;
I like 鍋 too. I put udon into 鍋.
(1): 外人 (キュッキュ 093b-wxDY) 2019/09/09(月)11:19 ID:DlCJZcrP00909(1) AAS
Wouldn't adding udon to it just make it fancy ramen...?

I'm still curious why people add sage to these threads and not have your comments bump the thread.
Is it to be more polite to more active threads?
(2): (キュッキュ 82d4-kyym) 2019/09/09(月)14:00 ID:l6lrXv1G00909(1) AAS
I work for me and other peoples. My job is very interesting. That name is NEET.
59: (キュッキュ Sd62-nA0h) 2019/09/09(月)14:23 ID:gR/EJ1FOd0909(1) AAS
I agree. 10years ago people blame people who not to use *sage. In Japan, too aggressive people aren't accepted. So I use *sage unconsciously due to old habit.

me too.
(1): (ワッチョイW 819d-2buT) 2019/09/09(月)22:42 ID:nDfdJFyL0(3/6) AAS
I want to get a hair cut.
(1): (ワッチョイ 82d4-kyym) 2019/09/09(月)22:53 ID:l6lrXv1G0(2/2) AAS
I have barikan.
62: (ワッチョイW 819d-2buT) 2019/09/09(月)23:05 ID:nDfdJFyL0(4/6) AAS
I don’t go for “hage” style. Thanks anyway.
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