[過去ログ] Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 213 (1002レス)

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(1): 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 (CA 0H69-Dkz/) 2019/09/24(火)14:05 ID:sGonzLr8H(12/15) AAS
Interesting. I've heard that Dave Spector has an obvious foreign accent, whereas Thane Camus sounds like a native speaker. Am I wrong?
I am trying to learn from TV drama, anime, and YouTube. And after 3 years, I can read and understand almost all of it. But I can't speak yet.
I think mostly I am just too embarrassed to try.

But since my original goal was just "understanding" rather than "speaking", I am very happy. I will try to keep it up and hope that I can reach Peter Barkan's level someday.
After all, he's been living in Japan for at least 20 years before I was even born, so I think I should give myself that sort of time to catch up (*´∀`*)
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