[過去ログ] Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 213 (1002レス)

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(1): 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 (CA 0H69-Dkz/) 2019/09/24(火)12:38 ID:sGonzLr8H(8/15) AAS
Another thing I'm interested in, is how long did it take people like Peter Barakan to become perfect?
Surely they weren't just speaking flawlessly from day one.
But there's so little documentation on the subject.
It's like, should you take it as, "if you've been studying for x years and you're still not perfect by then, you'll never be perfect"?
If it took him 2 years to reach perfection then I'd surely believe he's a genius.
Nobody who's not FUCKING EXCEPTIONAL learns perfect Japanese in 2 years.
But if it took him 20 years, then I have to wonder if it's something environmental rather than genetic still.

Not that I think it matters THAT much, whether you have a subtle accent or not.
I'm sure that everyone would agree that Dave Spector speaks excellent Japanese even if he has a foreign accent and such.
But I would still accept that Peter Barakan has something over him, either environmental OR genetic,
if he was able to reach total perfection in the same amount of time.
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