[過去ログ] Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 213 (1002レス)

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245: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 (CA 0H69-Dkz/) 2019/09/24(火)10:15 ID:sGonzLr8H(4/15) AAS
You are correct.
I think one reason for this is that almost no Japanese students are aware that pitch accent (高低アクセント) is a thing that even exists, or if they do, they don't think it's important.
The canonical examples are how 箸が, 端が, and 橋が all have different pitch accent when spoken. Or 雨 and 飴.
For most students of Japanese, their study of pitch accent stops at these two examples.
But it's not just these words; really, EVERY word in Japanese has its own pitch accent, just like how every word in English has its own stress on certain syllables.
However, because you don't "need" correct pitch accent to simply be *understood*, most Japanese language students think that Japanese pronunciation is easy,
even though their intonation sounds unnatural as fuck, and they're constantly getting pitch accent wrong.

It's not like Chinese where bad pronunciation will keep you from being understood.
But people who say "Japanese is easy" seriously underestimate how hard it is to reach a native level at speaking the language.
I've already accepted that I will probably never get to a "native level", but I would still be happy just being "very good".
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