[過去ログ] Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 213 (1002レス)

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(1): (ワッチョイW cb9d-MFqj) 2019/11/01(金)21:56 ID:HkrK6uvR0(2/4) AAS
I’m just back from a date.
I was shook and taken aback because the guy looked amazing on a dating app, but he was so average-looking in person!

I immediately blocked him affer we said goodbye.
Maybe I should have kept him for practicing speaking English purposes.
939: (ワッチョイW 1b33-Cm+z) 2019/11/01(金)22:02 ID:JnbWpi+60(2/3) AAS
when you said goobye?
after lunch? after bedroom?
940: (ワッチョイW cb9d-MFqj) 2019/11/01(金)22:10 ID:HkrK6uvR0(3/4) AAS
After chatting at a cafe.
People should stop using the “奇跡の一枚” pic on a dating app!!!
941: (ワッチョイW 1b33-Cm+z) 2019/11/01(金)22:26 ID:JnbWpi+60(3/3) AAS
selfie tends to disguise better appearance. be careful.
942: (ワッチョイW cb9d-MFqj) 2019/11/01(金)23:26 ID:HkrK6uvR0(4/4) AAS
I know. I know. I should have known better than this.

But I thought I can have a sexy time...
943: (アウアウウー Sa2f-AME5) [age] 2019/11/01(金)23:29 ID:BMVv2RGWa(1) AAS
I cannot help crying over my hot beat!
(1): (スプッッ Sd8a-hK/X) 2019/11/02(土)03:55 ID:jdCH+lKNd(1) AAS
You said you don't like gaijin. You actually love gaijin hahaha.
945: (オッペケ Sr03-ADWK) 2019/11/02(土)04:42 ID:5Jd2EA1Wr(1) AAS
What part of gaijin make you so angry?
(1): (アウアウウー Sa2f-AME5) [age] 2019/11/02(土)06:10 ID:l6Q1RY7Pa(1) AAS
Why do sales people like communication?
It is mere a harassment.
947: (ワッチョイ ce7f-yYn2) 2019/11/02(土)10:53 ID:qNKVApyE0(1/2) AAS
It's part of their job, I bet most of them
actually hate it.
(1): (アウアウエーT Sac2-54RU) 2019/11/02(土)10:54 ID:/LqPzqLna(1) AAS
A disproportionate number of people in sales may be extroverts who love water-cooler conversations more than selling their products.
But it is often noted that the most successful salespeople are not always extroverts but often introverts who are great listeners to clients.
949: (ワッチョイ ce7f-yYn2) 2019/11/02(土)13:28 ID:qNKVApyE0(2/2) AAS
True dat.
950: (アウアウエーT Sac2-0B+f) 2019/11/02(土)17:01 ID:LWU+BGN7a(1) AAS
i went to the dentist this morning and had a cavity treated and cured.
honestly i want to complain about having to go there a couple of times for only one tooth
but i feel better now.
951: (ワッチョイW cb9d-MFqj) 2019/11/02(土)18:47 ID:445096wC0(1/3) AAS
That means you have to take very good care of your teeth.
Maintaining good oral hygiene is important. I use a fluoride gel before going to bed.
952: (アウアウエーT Sac2-qp9g) 2019/11/02(土)20:59 ID:QBHFUIpma(1) AAS
England loooose!
South Africa wiiiin!

Rugby is more entertaining than baseball or soccer.
953: (ワッチョイ 4e65-aDcy) 2019/11/02(土)22:57 ID:5yr5CURh0(1) AAS
I don't think so. I have no interest in Rugby at all.
The only ball game I watch is the world cup soccer. (and only when Japan is participating in it)
954: (ワッチョイW cb9d-MFqj) 2019/11/02(土)23:15 ID:445096wC0(2/3) AAS
I’m eating 鍋 right now. I’m glad I’m Japanese.
955: (ワッチョイ ca99-S17+) 2019/11/02(土)23:21 ID:g9gD0RRz0(1) AAS
Even if you aren't Japanese, you can eat NABE as you are, can't you?
956: (ワッチョイW cb9d-MFqj) 2019/11/02(土)23:35 ID:445096wC0(3/3) AAS
I bet you’re a nitpicker.
957: (アウアウエーT Sac2-0B+f) 2019/11/03(日)09:24 ID:Sg7MqJYxa(1) AAS
many people are talking about an american movie "joker" and i've got interested in it.
it seems that the movie itself is not positive, encouraging one
but you can have a chance of seriously thinking about some social issue.
which movie theater should i pick out?
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