[過去ログ] Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 213 (1002レス)

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(1): (ワッチョイ 92b8-V+wO) 2019/10/20(日)22:47 ID:daoPQBf80(8/10) AAS
if you want to become a good writer, that somewhat wrong feeling is what you must write.
because that is what we want to know.
682: (アウアウエーT Saaa-9H6v) 2019/10/20(日)23:01 ID:SxJL8rIoa(3/4) AAS
Oh, you are still trapped in the Dunning–Kruger effect lol
You should really return to your junior high school text books, usually the best material for a guy of low caliber like you.

Regarding the sentence "why can't you describe it yourself? "
you cannot use "it" because it is unclear what that "it" really means and it is impossible to guess.
As for "you have no head to understand "point out" I said ? "
in addition to inaccurate use of brackets, this sentence makes no sense.
Of course, everybody knows what the phrase "point out" denotes. So what?

I think inflation is underway inside your brain lol
(1): (ワッチョイ 92b8-V+wO) 2019/10/20(日)23:27 ID:daoPQBf80(9/10) AAS
you can understand "point out". verry well. but you can't guess it?
unfortunately, it means your senile deterioration.
684: (アウアウエーT Saaa-G0+v) 2019/10/20(日)23:34 ID:zFia5AABa(1) AAS
Japan way is doooooooone. :(
685: (アウアウエーT Saaa-9H6v) 2019/10/20(日)23:36 ID:SxJL8rIoa(4/4) AAS
You are a nonsense sentence-making machine.
Your poor English makes us lol
(1): (ワッチョイ 92b8-V+wO) 2019/10/20(日)23:50 ID:daoPQBf80(10/10) AAS
oh I'm sory I must discribe "discribe it".When I refer to "discraibe it" I am
speaking more broadly. I'm talking about your attitude or your original idea
that is driven more strongly by curiousity than by fear.
Your ambiguity and criticism seems to be caused by the feelings of fear.
In other words, isn't it because of lack of courage?
687: (アウアウエーT Saaa-9H6v) 2019/10/21(月)00:02 ID:LJ3vkNkGa(1) AAS
Full of gibberish!
Probably, you are mentally ill lol
Good junior high school students will make much better sentences.
You should reflect on yourself and improve your poor English skills.
(1): (スフッ Sd32-9r8a) 2019/10/21(月)00:15 ID:3FjtDPm9d(1) AAS
What I want to say is that your attitude is wrong. You do things that people don't do on social scenes. If you were polite person. He wouldn't be rude on you.
(5): (JP 0Haa-5xvm) 2019/10/21(月)00:58 ID:hSN2qrk9H(1) AAS
hello everyone, i have been studying english for a very long time and i am curious what you think of my grammar and sentence building capabilities.
690: (ワッチョイW 5f9d-4/4s) 2019/10/21(月)01:27 ID:dSpDK27Z0(1/4) AAS
691: (ワッチョイW 6f87-rggV) 2019/10/21(月)11:13 ID:b3S7aEZG0(1) AAS
https://twitter.com/5chan_nel (5ch newer account)
(1): (ワッチョイ 724f-5N2V) 2019/10/21(月)18:26 ID:9hQKPK5s0(1/3) AAS
Your one sentence there looks fine - although I would have used "construction"
rather than "building", and probably omitted "capabilities". Perfectly understandable,

Do you mean 尊皇攘夷 or "Give the foreigners hot sexytime"? I'm all in favor
of the latter; the former is a bit dated.
693: (ワッチョイ 92b8-V+wO) 2019/10/21(月)18:37 ID:Y11YbdoI0(1/4) AAS
Why not?
what kind of sentence do you write? try up your sentence here.
we will value it.
694: (ワッチョイ 92b8-V+wO) 2019/10/21(月)18:55 ID:Y11YbdoI0(2/4) AAS
You are very courtesy. It is a good nature and better than rude.
The good social sense is better than bad sense. generally we tend to think Japanese is more courtesy than Western people. but now you are learning their language. So you need is not Japanese social sense but their social sense. Is it acceptable so far?
In Japan, there is a tendency to place more restrictions on free expression than necessary.
There are many humility and modesty words in Japanese. To put it the other way, it is to be overly disgusting to those who express freely. For example, returnee children are bullied because they have acquired Western-style expression manners.
Anyway, people who want to learn English shouldn't say anything about expression in a Japanese sense. need to be a little more forgiving.
(1): (アウアウエーT Saaa-9H6v) 2019/10/21(月)20:02 ID:BPhe43vta(1/3) AAS
To me, the 689 guy seems to have better command of English than you do.
The adjective phrase "sentence-building" is completely acceptable and way better than the expression you have suggested.
You are apparently not capable of giving any advice to someone who is much better at English.
(5): (ワッチョイ 724f-5N2V) 2019/10/21(月)21:31 ID:9hQKPK5s0(2/3) AAS
I'm a native speaker, boy howdy. 'Sentence construction' is the standard idiom we
use in English. But if you wanna keep on using 和製英語 and claim it's better than
standard English, you be you.
697: (ワッチョイ c665-r0zP) 2019/10/21(月)22:00 ID:Ov6IqCtz0(1/3) AAS
Jerk moron got humiliated.
(1): (ワッチョイ 92b8-V+wO) 2019/10/21(月)22:12 ID:Y11YbdoI0(3/4) AAS
what is the difference between sentence structure and sentence construction?
699: (ワッチョイW 5f9d-4/4s) 2019/10/21(月)22:13 ID:dSpDK27Z0(2/4) AAS
This thread is getting tense ><
700: (ワッチョイ c665-r0zP) 2019/10/21(月)22:20 ID:Ov6IqCtz0(2/3) AAS
Let's revisit what 695 said in >>672

>There is a technical term for this inflated self-perception, called the Dunning-Kruger effect, a cognitive bias in which incompetent people believe they are smarter than they really are.
>This is because these people are unable to recognize their lack of ability.
>In other words, they lack the very skills needed to recognize their own incompetence, leading them to overestimate their capabilities.

This might be the most beautifully executed boomerang I've seen in my internet life.
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