[過去ログ] Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 213 (1002レス)
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647(1): (ワッチョイWW 120a-yE7o) 2019/10/19(土)17:40 ID:+n+LhRyB0(1) AAS
648: (アウアウエーT Saaa-pTuN) 2019/10/19(土)18:40 ID:GaFNUKk+a(1/2) AAS
you sound like "hebel-kun", a mascot or sales promotion character of hebel haus from asahi-kasei.
649(1): (アウアウエーT Saaa-pTuN) 2019/10/19(土)18:46 ID:GaFNUKk+a(2/2) AAS
most publishers must adopt natural and useful conversation examples
to get as many loyal customers as possible to make profits.
650: (アウアウエーT Saaa-G0+v) 2019/10/19(土)18:55 ID:3qUwvfhfa(2/2) AAS
England wiiiiiiiin!
651: (アウアウクー MM87-4/4s) 2019/10/19(土)18:58 ID:xe6lUT7vM(2/2) AAS
Fuck England
652(1): (ワッチョイ 92b8-V+wO) 2019/10/19(土)19:40 ID:VnfT3j8c0(1) AAS
I've read a Japanese novel translated to English. It's not good for learning English.
although it's easy to read.
As for learning English, it is because I guess it's important to touch the English
culture flowing behind the story.
653: (スプッッ Sd52-9r8a) 2019/10/19(土)20:16 ID:JE19noqhd(1) AAS
I'm Japanese. I hope school teach them dairy conversation.
654(1): (アウアウエーT Saaa-9H6v) 2019/10/19(土)20:17 ID:zsUyO+v9a(1) AAS
As far as your English proficiency is concerned, you should read junior high school textbooks again lol
Do you recognize how poor your English is?
You have to get back to basics so as to enhance your command of the language more effectively.
655: (スプッッ Sd52-9r8a) 2019/10/19(土)21:55 ID:S5CM93wid(1) AAS
English teachers named Imran Siddiqui and Summer Rane speak very good Japanese. I think you could even though you weren't half Japanese. Eiken isn't daily conversation.
656: (スプッッ Sd52-9r8a) 2019/10/19(土)22:35 ID:c07GbzwDd(1) AAS
I meant I think you can.
657(1): (ワッチョイW 5f9d-4/4s) 2019/10/19(土)22:36 ID:s1BLfl7p0(2/2) AAS
Fuck gaijins!!!!!!!
658: (CA 0Hcf-eoat) 2019/10/19(土)23:58 ID:fe/svV1ZH(3/3) AAS
yo wtf, that's racist. i'm calling the cops
659: (ワッチョイ 92b8-V+wO) 2019/10/20(日)00:24 ID:N2FTRkGj0(1) AAS
so be it
660(1): (ワッチョイW 5f9d-4/4s) 2019/10/20(日)01:14 ID:9cbAe5mf0(1/3) AAS
If you look at the histroy, whites have been always racists.
But non-whites can’t be racists if you don’t know.
661(1): (ワッチョイ 92b8-V+wO) 2019/10/20(日)03:33 ID:daoPQBf80(1/10) AAS
you are wrong. you need not get back to basics. It's not necessary. what are the basics?
if you mean the basics are the most important things, I don't discern such kind of textbooks is basics.
basics are to understand the culture. It must be based on culture.
A textbook is only one of the texts, there are not basics, fundamental is not fundamental but only one of the things
Basics are not based on basics. there is not such kind primary or fundamental subjects.
To reach proficiency in using language eventually learn every kind of word. there is not such kind of basis.
662: (アウアウエーT Saaa-9H6v) 2019/10/20(日)10:28 ID:CMo/Pc10a(1) AAS
The comment has been made after reading your poor English.
Your vocabulary is so limited, and your grammar is terrible.
You should sit in a class of first-graders at a junior high school lol
663(1): (ワッチョイ 92b8-V+wO) 2019/10/20(日)14:42 ID:daoPQBf80(2/10) AAS
Your English is grammatically almost correct but written contents are shit.
If you could have pointed out the mistake, It would become a little bit better.
As you only spread out shit like above mentioned, your English is the same
as the feces expelled from your poor head. your English is really really shit.
664(1): (ワッチョイ 92b8-V+wO) 2019/10/20(日)14:54 ID:daoPQBf80(3/10) AAS
we can communicate with even racists, but cannot do with the liar.
you had better not tell a lie.
The Sinocentrism in China is discriminating thought essentially.
Chinese call Korean "穢"(very dirty)historically, because they thought they were very dirty and liar.
Racism also existed in other than the West.
665: (ワッチョイ 5f9d-1jLk) 2019/10/20(日)15:28 ID:xyxXeUP60(1) AAS
Don't worry about him, and there is no point wasting your time.
He's been screaming that (all) white people are racists in 5ch for years,
which makes him a certified racist.
I guess he has pretty bad experiences with and memories of the white people,
and I suppose he isn't living happily among Japanese, either.
One thing for sure is: No room for. racism
666(1): (ワッチョイWW 122d-UkhW) 2019/10/20(日)15:42 ID:rhj9ihRT0(1) AAS
I don't want to be boxed in cardboard boxes.
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