[過去ログ] Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 213 (1002レス)

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17: (ワッチョイW 819d-GBYD) 2019/09/06(金)21:24 ID:kf9pfFpv0(2/3) AAS
I have a large back and big arms so I have so many tanktops.

It’s a privilege to wear tanktops because you can’t wear them with skinny arms you know
18: (ワッチョイW 819d-GBYD) 2019/09/06(金)21:26 ID:kf9pfFpv0(3/3) AAS
Sometimes I encounter some クソガリ at the gym wearing tanktops or compressioned shirts... which makes me laugh. Yes. Everytime. Without fails.

How miserable they look! If you wanna rock those shirts, you’d better work
19: (アウアウエーT Sa4a-o78b) 2019/09/07(土)19:33 ID:ZphSaKAxa(1/2) AAS
it is embarrassing for me when my shoulders and biceps are exposed to other people's attention.
so tank tops are not my choice, half-sleeved shirts are enough.
(1): (アウアウエーT Sa4a-o78b) 2019/09/07(土)19:41 ID:ZphSaKAxa(2/2) AAS
i am suprised to know that sugar may be addictive like alcohol or tobacco or drugs.
i am not sure if there is some scientific study to show that it is definitely true.
i want to know how much sugar you should take a day.
21: (スプッッ Sdc2-nA0h) 2019/09/08(日)00:10 ID:ZHiekd4Md(1) AAS
I want くびれ. I am fat. I love sugar to death.
22: (ワッチョイW 819d-GBYD) 2019/09/08(日)00:12 ID:RfmMTHyw0(1/7) AAS
I want a big body. I wanna be a bodybuilder.
23: (ワッチョイ c270-kyym) 2019/09/08(日)00:13 ID:48CGCaZy0(1/9) AAS
The democracy tends to turn into the autocracy system
24: (ワッチョイ c270-kyym) 2019/09/08(日)00:15 ID:48CGCaZy0(2/9) AAS
The territory returns only by war
25: (ワッチョイW 819d-GBYD) 2019/09/08(日)00:17 ID:RfmMTHyw0(2/7) AAS
What are you talking about?
26: (ワッチョイ c270-kyym) 2019/09/08(日)00:20 ID:48CGCaZy0(3/9) AAS
Japan needs nuclear armament
27: (ワッチョイ c270-kyym) 2019/09/08(日)00:22 ID:48CGCaZy0(4/9) AAS
HOTAKA MARUYAMA is good for the prime minister
28: (ワッチョイW 819d-GBYD) 2019/09/08(日)00:28 ID:RfmMTHyw0(3/7) AAS
Are you a supporter of Takashi Tachibana?
29: (ワッチョイ c270-kyym) 2019/09/08(日)00:31 ID:48CGCaZy0(5/9) AAS
The speed limit of the Japanese road is too slow
30: (ワッチョイ c270-kyym) 2019/09/08(日)00:35 ID:48CGCaZy0(6/9) AAS
Japanese road shoud raise the speed limit by +20km/h
31: (ワッチョイ c270-kyym) 2019/09/08(日)00:37 ID:48CGCaZy0(7/9) AAS
なあなあculture must get rid of japan
32: (ワッチョイ c270-kyym) 2019/09/08(日)00:43 ID:48CGCaZy0(8/9) AAS
parent does not have a right to raise their chird
33: (ワッチョイ c270-kyym) 2019/09/08(日)00:50 ID:48CGCaZy0(9/9) AAS
all japanese children are chiidren of 天皇。
to abuse a japanese child is to abuse a child of 天皇陛下。
34: (スプッッ Sd61-nA0h) 2019/09/08(日)01:57 ID:VsD6MYejd(1) AAS
You are right at some point. But people here already have speaking ability.
(1): 外人 (ワッチョイ 093b-wxDY) 2019/09/08(日)02:42 ID:ER1Czn7J0(1/4) AAS
Hey, wanted to make a new thread but fucked up and posted in another thread for translating Japanese to English.
Just gonna copypaste what I wrote, with some edits.



As for me, I want to know why you're interested in English. To learn the lingua franka of the world? To impress your girlfriend? Cause you have nothing better to do?
Let me know! Doesn't matter if your replies are in English or Japanese because I'll just throw it into google translate if I can't read it.
Preferably English since this is an English convo thread.
(2): (ワッチョイW 819d-GBYD) 2019/09/08(日)03:06 ID:RfmMTHyw0(4/7) AAS
Fuck you if you are white. You are welcome.
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