[過去ログ] Yet another chat thread for non-practice purpose (181レス)

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(2): (ワッチョイ a35b-wm0+) 2019/07/27(土)17:48 ID:K5OKe7Oj0(1/13) AAS
英作文の練習として雑談がしたい人は Chat in English スレッドへ行ってください。

This thread is for chatting in English but not for practicing writing English.
Plese go to the "Chat in English" thread if you want to write something in English as a writing practice.
2: (ワッチョイ a35b-wm0+) 2019/07/27(土)17:50 ID:K5OKe7Oj0(2/13) AAS
I'll write just briefly. I'm going to write further when I have time.

My previous post was not as logical as you've complimented, I think, at least
on the logic I used to explain my thought. I wrote it in not a very logical way
partly subconsciously. Maybe I thought subconsciously that with any logical, or
physical, explanations it's almost inevitable to reach the kind of conclusions
you are having. As I said earlier, I myself don't see a logical point in the
existence of this world. It's one of the reasons why I'm afraid of us
introducing AI to our society. I think there is a good enough chance that AI
sees the world in a very logical manner and comes to a conclusion that it's
(1): (ワッチョイ a35b-wm0+) 2019/07/27(土)17:50 ID:K5OKe7Oj0(3/13) AAS
And, honestly speaking, to me, it feels a bit more natural to believe that
there might be some hidden something we may not even capable of knowing. If
seen objectively, we human beings are just a mess. But if, for example, we see
the world or life of ourselves as a game or a playground where people can learn
something and grow. I like playing games. But I get bored easily if the
difficulty of the game is not moderate. It needs to be not too easy nor not too
difficult. If the world were much more ideal than it is, and if there was
little room for us to exert ourselves, we might have taken everything for
granted and ended up not realizing or experiencing great things. (I mean great
4: (ワッチョイ a35b-wm0+) 2019/07/27(土)17:50 ID:K5OKe7Oj0(4/13) AAS
As for having children. It has always been my dream to have lots of children.
Maybe 10 of them. It's quite rare to have this kind of dream in this era, isn't
it? It is not because I expect them to become similar to me. Rather, it is
because I do not expect for them to become similar to me. How they perceive the
world and how they appreciate (or not appreciate) their life is totally up to
them. It is because it's my determination and my will to respect other people's
views and will.
(As for the similarity of characteristics or personality or intellect among
parents and children, I'm rather sceptical about it. I believe that they
5: (ワッチョイ a35b-wm0+) 2019/07/27(土)17:51 ID:K5OKe7Oj0(5/13) AAS
I didn't intend to write a long message, but it has become long. I put
non-physical concepts in my message, which will not be easily accepted. I know
I'm more logical than emotional. But on top of that, I'm more intuitional. If
you are a very logical person as I guessed, you may find, maybe in the future
if not now, that you like listening to intuitional people from time to time,
even though I believe it's hard for you to accept what they say right away, (I
don't think you need to accept it,) as they have different ways of seeing
things from those of yours. I actually find myself liking to listening to
(1): (ワッチョイ a35b-wm0+) 2019/07/27(土)17:51 ID:K5OKe7Oj0(6/13) AAS
Maybe me writing this might make you feel excluded when you have already said
that you no longer expect much in people. I wrote this partly because I think
the way I see the world might be depend possibly solely on my past experiences
of meeting people in my life. If I hadn't met some of them in my life, I'm not
sure if I had the same views of the world as I do now. Maybe not. Just as you
said, our views might be greatly affected or determined by our past experiences
in life.
7: (ワッチョイ a35b-wm0+) 2019/07/27(土)18:02 ID:K5OKe7Oj0(7/13) AAS
For anyone who is interested in the conversation in the previous place.
8: (ワッチョイ a35b-wm0+) 2019/07/27(土)18:06 ID:K5OKe7Oj0(8/13) AAS
the way I see the world *as I do* might be depend
9: (ワッチョイ a35b-wm0+) 2019/07/27(土)18:20 ID:K5OKe7Oj0(9/13) AAS
But *what* if, for example, we see the world or life of ourselves as a

I'll leave the rest gramatical errors.
10: (ワッチョイ a339-wm0+) 2019/07/27(土)19:42 ID:QTjg6JJ/0(1/6) AAS
Thanks for opening up this thread. I feel much more relaxed here.
You keep calling me logical. But I don't think I'm that logical.
Yes, maybe a bit logical than the average, but not very.
When I meet someone who thinks with strict logic, such as when
they explain linguistic or philosophical issues very logically,
I get tired very quickly.

I've always considered half emotional, half logical.
I'm definitely more logical than the average woman, but
among men, I may be regarded as a bit more logical than
the average man. That's all, I guess.
(1): (ワッチョイ 4aa7-uRnl) 2019/07/27(土)20:02 ID:0Pqs54bw0(1) AAS
Anyay, I don't mind at all whether you are logical or not.
Those things are what I am interested in.
By the way, do you feel hot in this summer season, in your area?
I feel read this year's summer is so cool in some thing as web article.
12: (ワッチョイ a339-wm0+) 2019/07/27(土)20:24 ID:QTjg6JJ/0(2/6) AAS
I've lived in Osaka most of my life. And I'm in Osaka now.
I think I'll always be here in Osaka until I die.
(When younger, I've lived abroad for four years and in Tokyo
for 15 years, though.)

Today, because of the typhoon and the subsequent heavy rain,
it's been cool. Tomorrow again, it'll be very hot and humid.

Here in Osaka, in summer, there is almost no wind and yet
very hot and humid. It's like hell in mid-summer.
But maybe this crazily hot summer is better than
the terrible winter in heavy snow in northern Japan.
13: 81 (ワッチョイ a35b-wm0+) 2019/07/27(土)21:02 ID:K5OKe7Oj0(10/13) AAS
Oh, I can't tell which posts are yours. I know that no. 10 and 12 are yours,
but I'm not sure about no. 11. (It's not mine.)
I'm going to put this number as my handle name.
14: OED (ワッチョイ a339-wm0+) 2019/07/27(土)21:09 ID:QTjg6JJ/0(3/6) AAS
Response 11 is not mine. Maybe I should put my nickname here.
15: The OED Loves Me Not (ワッチョイ a339-wm0+) 2019/07/27(土)21:12 ID:QTjg6JJ/0(4/6) AAS
Looks more like it now. But here on 5-channel, those with nicknames
tend to be hammered down. I don't like to be attacked all the time, but
here in this particular thread alone, I think I'm going to carry the nickname
that I use elsewhere on the Internet.
16: The OED Loves Me Not (ワッチョイ a339-wm0+) 2019/07/27(土)21:14 ID:QTjg6JJ/0(5/6) AAS
Why don't you call yourself
"The Guy from the Twilight Zone"? Haha.
Just kidding.
17: The OED Loves Me Not (ワッチョイ a339-wm0+) 2019/07/27(土)21:21 ID:QTjg6JJ/0(6/6) AAS
Let me talk about something casual now for a change.
I wonder how long you've been abroad and where exactly.

As for me, I've been abroad for a total of four years.

(1) From age 26 to 28 (two and a half years): in Iraq

for work as a Japanese-English translator and other
general administration (to put it bluntly, accounting,
lagor management, guest reception, accommodations management,
and all other boring chores)

(2) From age 19 to 30 (for one and a half years): in France
18: 81 (ワッチョイ a35b-wm0+) 2019/07/27(土)22:42 ID:K5OKe7Oj0(11/13) AAS
Casual talks are welcome. We've already talked on several topics deeply.

I had never been abroad just until recently, and the only occasion I had was
only for a few days.
So I've been in Japan for almost entirely my life up until now.

I'm very introverted and even if I visited a foreign country I would stay
indoor doing some indoor activities such as reading books. Because of this
characteristics of mine, although I'm interested in visiting foreign countries,
I'm not that motivated to visit foreign countries.
But I'm interested in the idea of moving to another country. As I've mentioned
in the other thread, I feel more comfortable in talking in English and I've
19: 81 (ワッチョイ a35b-wm0+) 2019/07/27(土)22:45 ID:K5OKe7Oj0(12/13) AAS
Welcome! Please don't mind about me having asked your identity. I just wanted
to know if you were him or not.
20: 81 (ワッチョイ a35b-wm0+) 2019/07/27(土)23:05 ID:K5OKe7Oj0(13/13) AAS
By the way, thank you for putting your nickname.
As for putting your nickname, any way is fine with me. Only OED is fine if you
find it a bit too much to put your nickname fully. Putting some number is also
fine. Putting your nickname once a week, after your ワッチョイ changed, is
also fine. Please make yourself comfortable.

(This is just a hunch, but maybe we will want to consider moving to another
place in the future if we find something we don't like about here.
I want to mingle with other people. I wonder if other people start coming here
or not. I know that this board itself doesn't have much population.)
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