[過去ログ] 英語板は一人の工作員の自演レスで水増しされてる (426レス)

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15: (ワッチョイWW f5c8-3hWa) 2019/04/18(木)17:48 ID:8qKNNvOB0(15/19) AAS
I’m pretty sure that he didn’t go to college and
didn’t even study for the entrance exams. He
has no idea how to study for the exams. He
often says that he is really good at reading and
writing English because he studied English for
the exams, but it’s an obvious lie.
A lot of students have to study many subjects
to pass the exams. They can’t spend too much
time on English writing, so most of them can’t
write English well. That’s a thing in people who
have experienced the exams, but he doesn’t
know it at all.
I’m pretty sure that he has a strong complex
about not going to college, so he just want to
act as if he is a person with a college degree
who has awesome English skills. That is the
reason why he’s in this English forum all day
and is doing a troll.
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