[過去ログ] 洋画・海外ドラマで英語のお勉強 Part17 (1002レス)
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895: (ワッチョイ e66c-gMtz) 2019/12/28(土)10:00 ID:GEpBrQP70(1/5) AAS
So, if I mess this up, there’s nothing else for dessert?
You’re not gonna mess it up.
Wow, Monica, I love that.
You really have faith in me.
Thank you.
Technical question, how do you know when the butter’s done?
Well, it’s done about two minutes before it looks like that.


896: (ワッチョイ e66c-gMtz) 2019/12/28(土)11:00 ID:GEpBrQP70(2/5) AAS
Are you still at Barts then?
Teaching now, yeah, bright young things like we used to be.
God, I hate them.
What about you, just staying in town till you get yourself sorted?
I can’t afford London on an Army pension.
Ah, and you couldn’t bear to be anywhere else.
That’s not the John Watson I know.
I’m not the John Watson.
Couldn’t Harry help?
Yeah, like that’s going to happen…
897: (ワッチョイ e66c-gMtz) 2019/12/28(土)11:00 ID:GEpBrQP70(3/5) AAS
Barts are The London School of Medicine and Dentistry,
commonly known as Barts, is a medical and dental school
in London, England.

Get yourself sorted
Casual way to say to take care of your issues or your priorities.

To be able to afford something means to have enough money to pay for it.

couldn’t bear
Mike is saying that John wouldn’t accept or tolerate living in another city.

Like that’s going to happen
A sarcastic expression that is commonly used to mean the opposite - that it will never happen
(1): (ワッチョイ e66c-gMtz) 2019/12/28(土)11:09 ID:GEpBrQP70(4/5) AAS
901: (ワッチョイ e66c-gMtz) 2019/12/28(土)15:00 ID:GEpBrQP70(5/5) AAS

Ugh! It’s hideous!
Oh, that’s not very nice. He’s just a donkey.

Have at him
have at ・・を攻撃せよ
I don’t give a damn ‘bout my reputation
not give a damn ・・を気にしない
try the veal
the phrase try the veal is a clishe sign-off from standup comedians in comedy clubs

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