ネイティブオンライン英会話を語るスレ (620レス)
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(1): (ワッチョイ 17bd-xwwK) 2018/09/17(月)22:01 ID:3giZVxju0(24/38) AAS

(1): (スプッッ Sd3f-Zlpr) 2018/09/17(月)22:34 ID:TeormjCVd(2/2) AAS

If you think that teachers don't point to your mistakes everytime in spite of your request, I think you should think about your English accuracy and attitude.
First, people don't want to slngle out someone's failures all the time if your English is not accurate enough.
Second, if you show your emotion that you are annoyed when you get corrections, instructors will hesitate to give corrections next time.

On the other hand, if a teacher pefers to make corrections as many as he/she can, I think the person tends to be high-handed.
A personality that is very assertive to things, “whichever is OK,” can be an example.

Whether the man is a Japanese speaker or English, in my opinion it doesn’t matter on that kin of personality.
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