UltraISO (579レス)

29: 2007/04/18(水)18:48 ID:e4OJeMUO(1) AAS
April 18, 2007
+) Using binary comparisons for optimized files (works like cdimage -oc)
+) Shell integration works for standard users on Windows Vista 32bit/64bit
+) Supports full erasing re-writable media
+) New command-line parameter to exclude drive letters for ISODrive (isocmd -x)
*) Fixed a bug with converting some segmented MDS images
*) Keeps original creator for modified UDF volume
*) Better supports Nero 6.6.x.x burning engine
*) Some minor improvements and bug fixes
あと 550 レスあります
スレ情報 赤レス抽出 画像レス抽出 歴の未読スレ AAサムネイル

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